  • 规划与设计
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)02-0098-08
  • 中图分类号:F129.9    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.02.013
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“大城市职住分离的测度方法、影响机制、规划干预研究”(51778432)。
  • 作者简介:朱娟,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士; 钮心毅,通信作者,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室副教授、博士生导师。
  • 职住平衡、土地混合使用及其与通勤距离的关系 ——基于南宁市移动手机信令数据
  • Jobs-Housing Balance, Land Use Mix and Relationships with Commuting Distance: A Study of Nanning City Based on Cellphone Signaling Data
  • 浏览量:
  • 朱娟 钮心毅
  • ZHU Juan NIU Xinyi
  • 摘要:
    本文基于南宁市移动手机信令数据识别的居民居住地、工作地数据,首先分析了南宁市职住平衡特征及其与土地混合使用间的关系,研究发现南宁在控制性详细规划单元尺度存在职住空间不平衡现象,职住平衡指标与土地混合使用指标间具有一定的相关性。接着采用逐步多元回归方法检验了职住平衡土地混合使用通勤距离的交互影响。研究发现,较好的职住平衡可以降低通勤距离,居住在就业较密集的单元,或工作在居住较密集的单元,通勤出行相对较短。较好的土地混合使用水平可以缩短通勤距离,居住在居住与非居住用地混合度较好、公共服务设施混合度较好的单元,居住者通勤距离较短,工作在4 类主要用地混合度较好、工业用地占比合理、医疗及教育设施密度较好的单元,工作者通勤距离较短。研究为南宁制定优化土地使用规划政策,改善居民职住平衡水平及通勤模式提供了依据。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: This paper first analyzes the jobs-housing balance features and its relationship with land use mix based on commuting data identified from Nanning cellphone signaling data. The study finds that in regulatory plan unit, jobs-housing imbalance exists and the jobs-housing balance indicators have certain correlation with the land use mix indicators. Then this paper uses stepwise multivariate regression method to analyze the influences of jobs-housing balance and land use mix on commuting distance. The result shows that jobs-housing balance and land use mix have significant effect on commuting distance. Residents who live in employment intensive units or workers who live in residential intensive units would have shorter commuting distance. The better land use mix level can reduce commuting distance. Residents who live in better mix of residential and non-residential land use and the lower mix of public service facilities units would have shorter commuting distance. Workers who live in better land use mix degree of four main types, better proportion of industrial land, better density of medical and education facilities units would have shorter commuting distance. The study could provide theoretical basis for the land use policies of Nanning, which would improve the jobs-housing balance and commuting modes of residents and workers.
  • Key words: jobs-housing balance; land use mix; commuting distance; stepwise multiple regression; cellphone signaling data
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