- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)02-0042-08
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.02.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“出行行为视角下城市土地利用对交通事故的作用机制与调控研究”(批准号:41971179);教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“城市建成环境对老年人慢性疾病的影响与作用机制研究”(批准号:17YJC840045)。
- 作者简介:郑依玲(1994-),女,武汉大学城市设计学院,硕士研究生;
- 城市土地利用对交通事故的影响因素与作用机制研究 ——以武汉市为例
- The Impact Factor and Mechanism of Urban Land Use on Traffic Accidents: A Case Study of Wuhan City
- 浏览量:
- 郑依玲 谢波 南贤淑 安子豪
- ZHENG Yiling XIE Bo NAN Xianshu AN Zihao
- 摘要:
城市大规模用地更新给交通安全带来了重大影响。以武汉市为例,运用聚类分析和负二项模型识别交通事故的高发区,分析土地利用对交通事故的影响和作用机制。交通事故高发区具有人口密度高、居住用地比例高和土地利用混合程度高等特征,城市交通事故与居住用地、工业用地、绿地、土地利用混合度正相关,与公共管理与公共服务用地负相关,交通流量是土地利用影响交通事故的中介变量,以此为基础提出交通安全导向的土地利用规划思路。 - 关键词:
交通事故;土地利用;影响因素;作用机制;聚类分析; - Abstract: Large-scale urban renewal has a great impact on traffic safety. Taking Wuhan as an example, cluster analysis and negative binomial model were used to identify the high-incidence areas of traffic accidents, and we explored the impact and mechanism of land use on crashes. The result showed that the high-incidence areas of traffic accidents have the characteristics of high population density, high proportion of residential land and high level of land use mix. Urban traffic accidents were positively correlated with the residential land, industrial land, green space, and land use mix, and were negatively associated with public management and public service land. Moreover, traffic volume was a mediator between land use and traffic crashes. Based on this, this paper puts forward the idea of traffic-safety-oriented land use planning.
- Key words: traffic crashes; land use; influencing factors; mechanism; cluster analysis
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