- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)02-0117-08
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.02.015
- 项目基金:中规院2017年科技创新基金项目“中国西南地区新型城镇化路径与政策建议”支持。
- 作者简介:林韬(1987-),男,博士,副研究员,中国城市规划设计研究院西部分院,主要研究方向为西南城市发展研究与规划、城市环境与居民出行行为;
- 西南地区城镇化与工业化发展关系特征及其政策启示
- The Coordination Relations Between the Urbanization and Industrialization Development in Southwest China
- 浏览量:
- 林韬 陈彩媛
- LIN Tao CHEN Caiyuan
- 摘要:
我国不同地区城镇化与工业化发展水平及其协调关系特征差异巨大,需要差异化的城镇化与工业化政策予以有效应对。现有对城镇化与工业化协调关系的研究主要关注全国范围及东部沿海地区,对西南地区的研究不多。研究发现西南地区整体工业化与城镇化水平较低,除四川、西藏外,其他省份城镇化发展普遍超前于工业化发展。研究还发现,省域内部城镇化、工业化发展水平及其协调关系同样存在巨大差异,一些地区城镇化水平低但相对于工业化发展仍显得过快;另一些地区城镇化水平不高,但城镇化发展滞后于工业化发展。就不同类型的城镇化、工业化发展特征,需要因地制宜的政策导向以推进新型城镇化的健康发展。 - 关键词:
城镇化;工业化;协调关系;西南地区; - Abstract: The levels of urbanization and industrialization development and the characteristics of their coordination relationship in different regions of China are very different, and different urbanization and industrialization policies are needed to respond effectively. Existing studies on the coordinated relationship between urbanization and industrialization mainly focus on the nationwide and eastern coastal areas, and few studies on the southwestern region. The study found that the overall level of industrialization and urbanization in the southwestern region is low. Except for Sichuan and Tibet, the urbanization development of other provinces is generally ahead of the industrialization development. The study also found that there are also huge differences in the levels of urbanization and industrialization within the provinces and their coordination relationships. Some regions have low levels of urbanization but still appear too fast compared to industrialization; others have low levels of urbanization, but urbanization development lags behind industrial development. With regard to the characteristics of different types of urbanization and industrialization, policy guidance tailored to local conditions is required to promote the healthy development of new urbanization.
- Key words: urbanization; industrialization; coordination relations; Southwest China
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