- 城市收缩机制及规划应对研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)03-0018-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.03.003
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“电子商务推动的乡村城镇化特征、机制与规划应对研究”(编号:51878329);国家自然科学基金“城市空间演化机制与效应”(编号:41422103);国家自然科学基金“新型城镇化下的“创业移民”社会空间研究——以广州、武汉、湖北天沔地区为例”(编号:41771167)。
- 作者简介:陈颖,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 18 大都市老工业地区“过渡型收缩”的特征与机制研究 ——基于武汉武钢社区的观察
- Research on Characteristics and Mechanism of "Transitional Shrinkage" in Old Industrial Areas of Metropolis: A Case Study of Wuhan WISCO Community
- 浏览量:
- 陈颖 罗震东 李志刚
- CHEN Ying LUO Zhendong LI Zhigang
- 摘要:
全球化进程中资源配置不均衡引发的区域分化使城市收缩成为普遍现象,我国部分老工业地区也面临着收缩困境。本文以武汉武钢社区为例,探究大都市老工业地区出现的局部收缩现象。发现武钢社区的收缩与传统老工业地区具有共性表征,但在大都市的综合作用下具备恢复的韧性,是一种“过渡型收缩”。我国特殊的转型语境与政企关系决定了局部收缩是政府主动调整的结果,是政府治理意识转变的体现。虽然局部收缩是一种较为乐观的中间状态,但政府仍应关注其背后的社会问题,并借助这一契机转换发展动能,尽快逆转收缩进程,寻求可持续的发展路径。 - 关键词:
局部收缩;大都市;老工业地区;武钢社区; - Abstract: The regional differentiation caused by the imbalance of global resource allocation has made urban shrinkage a common phenomenon. Some old industrial areas in China are also facing shrinking predicament. Taking the Wuhan WISCO community as an example, we explored the partial shrinkage phenomenon in the old industrial areas of the metropolis. It is found that the shrinkage of WISCO community has a common character with the traditional old industrial areas, but the comprehensive role of the metropolitan area makes it have the resilience of recovery, which is seen as “transitional shrinkage”. Because of China’s special transitional context and the relationship between government and enterprises, partial shrinkage is the result of the government’s promotion initiative, which also reflects the transformation of the governance. Although partial shrinkage is a relatively optimistic intermediate state, the government should still pay attention to the social problems, and seize this opportunity to transform development momentum, reverse shrinkage process as soon as possible, and seek a sustainable development path.
- Key words: partial shrinkage; metropolis; old industrial area; WISCO community
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