  • 健康城市理论研究与实践探讨
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)04-0043-09
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.04.006
  • 项目基金:江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(风景园林学);教育部人文社科基金(181YJ C Z H043、20YJ A Z H115);国家留学基金委公派高级研究学者、访问学者、博士后项目(201308320105)。
  • 作者简介:张洁芦,南京林业大学风景园林学院,硕士生; 周珍琦,南京林业大学风景园林学院,硕士生; 徐振,通信作者,南京林业大学风景园林学院副教授,博士,硕导,注册城乡规划师,哈佛大学定量社会研究所(IQSS)、加州大学伯克利分校城市与区域发展研究所(IURD)访问学者。
  • 基于需求特征的大学设施布局适宜性评价研究 ——以南京市部分高校为例
  • Suitability Evaluation of University Facilities Layout Based on Demand Characteristics: Taking Several Universities in Nanjing as Examples
  • 浏览量:
  • 张洁芦 周珍琦 徐振
  • ZHANG Jielu ZHOU Zhenqi XU Zhen
  • 摘要:
    在我国大学生人口逐年增长、身体素质逐年下降的背景下,探讨符合大学生需求的设施布局适宜性显得尤为重要;关于步行指数测度的方法及应用实践近年来层出不穷,但针对大学生这一特殊群体的基于大学生实际需求的“自下而上”的设施适宜性评估及其相关方面的探讨尚未完全充分展开。本研究依据核密度分析结果选取3 个布局模式不同的典型大学,采用百度地图POI 爬取技术和问卷调查相结合的方法,基于ArcGIS 分析大学生活设施需求特征,归纳并总结设施布局模式差异及其各类设施需求的异同,探讨设施布局对学生步行出行需求的影响。另从健康视角出发,基于大学生设施需求度和容忍时长,初步提出步行量最优化的步行指数计算方法,以揭示潜在步行量不足区域,为提升大学生步行水平、促进大学生身心健康、推进校园规划更新进程提供参考。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: With the increasing population and the declining physical fitness of college students, it is particularly important to explore the walking suitability of facilities allocation that meets the needs of college students. The application and practice of walking index has emerged in recent years, but the “bottom-up” facility suitability assessment based on the actual needs of college students has not been fully developed. Based on the results of nuclear density analysis, this study selected three typical universities with different layout modes. Using the combination of Baidu Map POI crawling technology and questionnaire survey, this study analyzed the characteristics of college life facilities demand based on ArcGIS, summarized the differences of facilities layout modes and the similarities and differences of various facilities demand, and discussed the impact of facility layout on students’ walking travel demand. In addition, from the perspective of health, based on facility demand and tolerance time, a preliminary calculation method of walking index is proposed to reveal potential areas of insuffi cient walking, which can provide reference for improving college students’ walking level and promoting college students, physical and mental health.
  • Key words: walking index; facilities layout; demand satisfaction rate; healthy campus
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