- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)05-0054-09
- 中图分类号:F293.2;TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.05.008
- 作者简介:周详,东南大学建筑学院景观学系讲师;
- 传承与创新:东京文化资源区与新都市生活的耦合机制研究
- Inheritance and Innovation: Research on the Coupling Mechanism between Tokyo Cultural Resources District and the Neo-Metropolitan Life
- 浏览量:
- 周详 成玉宁
- ZHOU Xiang CHENG Yuning
- 摘要:
东京文化资源区是日本社会为推进2020 年东京奥运会而实施的一项重要文化举措,因其异于传统的“自上而下”的规划途径和当前备受推崇的“自下而上”的参与方式而受到各方关注。文章首先从东京筹办2020 年奥运会的现实背景出发,系统梳理了东京文化资源区的提出过程、内涵、模式与操作方式,并在此基础上讨论了其对中国的城市更新和存量规划的借鉴意义。其次,在将推动该计划的东京文化资源会议(T-CHA)定义为第三域的基础上,文章尝试提出第四域的概念,并详细论述了民产官学“四域构成”的社会联结方式。最后,文章认为:在第三域掀起团体革命浪潮的同时,从志愿组织演进为社会企业是包括东京文化资源会议在内的志愿团体可持续发展的路径;此外,作为中介触媒的第三域在联结上下两种规划方式和激活第四域方面具有不可替代的作用。 - 关键词:
文化资源;东京奥运会;民产官学;联结的艺术;第三域组织;社区营造; - Abstract: The concept of Tokyo Cultural Resources Districts is an important action to propel the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. It is of high-profile inasmuch as the strategy entirely differs both from the traditional top-down planning approach and the highly respected bottom-up participation mode. Firstly, the paper systematically dissects the process, connotation, schema and operating modes of the concept against the practical background of preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Then it illustrates the referential signifi cance for the ongoing urban regeneration and inventory planning in China. Afterwards, it attempts to present a novel terminology of the fourth sector which consists of the grassroots society and populace, by defi ning the Tokyo Cultural Heritage Alliance (T-CHA) that promotes the concept as the third sector. Based on it, the art of association between populace, enterprise, authority and academia is correspondingly analyzed. Finally, the paper summarizes it is an inevitable and sustainable route for voluntary associations including the T-CHA to evolve into social enterprise as the third sectors have stirred up the worldwide trend of associational revolution. Besides, it is believed the third sector, functioning as the mediation and catalyst in the society, is indispensable to link the top-down and bottom-up planning methods as well as to cultivate the fourth sector.
- Key words: cultural resources; Tokyo Olympic Games; populace, enterprise, authority and academia; art of association; the third sector; community empowerment
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