- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)05-0070-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.05.010
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(51878252);湖南省重点研发计划(2018NK2051、2018NK2053)资助。
- 作者简介:莫正玺(1992-),女,湖南大学建筑学院,博士研究生;
- 地理学视角下信息通讯技术与城市互动影响研究综述
- Rev iew of the Inter a c t ion between Informa t ion Communication Technology and City in Geographic Perspective
- 浏览量:
- 莫正玺 叶强
- MO Zhengxi YE Qiang
- 摘要:
在全球化和信息化时代,信息通讯技术已经渗透到社会生活的各个领域并对城市及人民生活产生重要影响。本文借助HistCite 和CiteSpace 文献科学计量软件,并结合传统文献阅读法,分析了1990 年以来信息通讯技术与城市互动的热点领域,梳理了信息通讯技术影响下的地理研究范式转变、信息通讯技术扩散与“数字鸿沟”、创新网络与产业集群、零售全球化、电子商务、城市内外部结构及城市策略、居民时空行为演变等热点内容,从时间维度、空间维度、内容维度归纳了相关研究进展。在此基础上,通过对国内外已有研究比较,从研究深度、研究广度、研究视角、研究地域以及研究方法与数据角度提出已有研究的不足及未来信息通讯技术与城市研究的重点方向。认为应在进一步关注信息通讯技术对城市各系统要素影响的基础上,强调跨学科融合,并结合中国国情,从内涵、空间特征、发展模式、动态演变、运行机理、效应评价、信息通讯技术与城市各系统要素深度融合关系等方面展开研究。 - 关键词:
信息通讯技术;信息化;城市;地理学;研究进展;CiteSpace;HistCite; - Abstract: In the era of globalization and informatization, information communication technology (ICT) has penetrated into all aspects of society and has a signifi cant impact on our city and life. Based on the scientifi c measurement softwares (HistCite and CiteSpace) and traditional literature method, this paper analyzes the hotspots of information technology and city since 1990. And transformation of research paradigm, technology diffusion and “digital divide”, innovation network and industrial agglomeration, retail globalization, e-commerce, urban spatial structure and strategies, human spatial-temporal behavior, were specifically reviewed. And this study summarizes literature progress from temporal dimension, spatial dimension and content dimension. Based on the former analysis, main trend and defi ciency about these issues were put forward from the breadth and depth, perspectives, areas and method of research. The research showed that we should pay more attention to the ICT infl uence on urban system and emphasize the interdisciplinary integration on the connotation, spatial characteristics, development model, dynamic evolution, operation mechanism, effect evaluation, and other aspects of research.
- Key words: information communication technology (ICT); informatization; city; geography; progress; CiteSpace; HistCite
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