- 城市功能布局优化研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)05-0010-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.05.002
- 项目基金:河北省社科基金(HB19SH018)。
- 作者简介:孔俊婷(1966-),女,河北工业大学建筑与艺术设计学院,教授;
- 基于空间句法的老城区商业服务设施落位优化研究 ——以天津市英租界片区为例
- Study on Location Optimization of Commercial Service Facilities in Old City Based on Spatial Syntax: A Case Study of the British Concession Area of Tianjin
- 浏览量:
- 孔俊婷 李倩 倪丽丽 殷思琪
- KONG Junting LI Qian NI Lili YIN Siqi
- 摘要:
该研究选取天津市老城英租界片区的商业服务设施为研究对象,以空间句法为主要分析工具,探究路网流量等级与商业服务设施的位置关系,分析店铺总数与选择度、整合度的相关性,得到回归方程;进而基于对商业服务半径、分布拓扑规律、功能承载力三个方面的研究,提出商业服务设施空间布局的精准落位策略。此研究方法可在城市街区优化改造中为提高商业设施的可达性、提升商业空间的整体活力、增强商业空间的使用效率提供科学技术指导。 - 关键词:
空间句法;老城区;商业服务设施;空间布局;落位优化; - Abstract: This research chooses the commercial service facilities in the British Concession area of old city of Tianjin as the research object, takes spatial syntax as the main analysis tool, explores the relationship between the traffi c grade of the road network and the location of the commercial service facilities, analyses the correlation between the total number of shops and the degree of selection and integration, and gets the regression equation. Then, based on the research of business service radius, distribution topology and function carrying capacity, the precise positioning strategy of the spatial layout of business service facilities is put forward. This research method can provide scientifi c and technological guidance for improving the accessibility of commercial facilities, enhancing the overall vitality of commercial space and the effi ciency of commercial space use in urban district optimization and transformation.
- Key words: spatial syntax; old city; commercial service facilities; spatial layout; location optimization
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