- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)05-0104-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.05.014
- 作者简介:杨欢,女,西北农林科技大学讲师,研究方向:城市空间形态、乡村可持续发展。
- 重塑城市形态:美国空间形态管制的演变特征及控制实施体系研究
- Reconstructing City Form: Evolution of Form Based Code and its Control System in USA
- 浏览量:
- 杨欢
- YANG Huan
- 摘要:
20 世纪80 年代末,传统以土地用途为核心的区划因无法预测城市空间形态而遭到批判,同时新城市主义、可持续发展及精明增长等新理念逐步兴起,提倡重塑步行空间和新邻里规划的回归。在此背景下,美国空间形态管制应运而生并逐步发展完善。本文阐述美国空间形态管制的背景缘起,梳理其内涵体系及演变脉络,并探索美国空间形态管制实施的地方化模式。之后,归纳评析其先进经验,为增强我国城市特色和空间形态提供思路。 - 关键词:
空间形态准则;演变特征;控制实施体系;美国; - Abstract: In the late 1980s, conventional zoning with land use as core was criticized for its failure to predict urban spatial form. Simultaneously, new urbanism, sustainable development and smart growth were gradually emerging. These new ideas advocate walkable space and neotraditional planning. In this context, form-based zoning occurred and gradually developed. This paper expounds the background of formbased code in USA, combs its connotation system and evolution, and explores its localized implementation modes. Finally, its advanced experiences were analyzed to provide ideas to enhance city characteristic and urban form in China.
- Key words: form-based code; evolutionary characteristics; control and implementation system; USA
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