- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)06-0072-07
- 中图分类号:D523.5 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.06.010
- 项目基金:国家留学基金委国际区域问题研究及外语高层次人才培养项目(编号:2015[9059])。
- 作者简介:田嘉,女,清华大学发展中国家研究项目博士候选人,智利天主教大学政治学所访问学者,研究方向为城市政治、公共政策、政治传播。
- 智利城市交通的公私合作及启示
- PPP Urban Transportation in Chile and its Enlightens
- 浏览量:
- 田嘉
- TIAN Jia
- 摘要:
智利已发展公私合作模式20 余年,是世界上公私合作实践最多的国家之一。其公私合作项目主要集中于城市交通建设,包括首都圣地亚哥的城市交通改革。城市交通改革使圣地亚哥成为拉丁美洲交通最发达的城市,是智利公私合作发展的缩影,同时也反映了公私合作模式在实践中的成功与挫败——立法先行、重视舆论、规则细化等使智利道路基建上的公私合作成效颇高,但公共交通公私合作上的计划笼统、工程延迟等也造成了政府的短期失信。相较其他发展中国家,智利在公私合作上前行甚远,其经验值得借鉴,其挑战也值得思考。 - 关键词:
城市政策;公私合作模式;基础设施;公共交通;智利;圣地亚哥; - Abstract: Chile has twenty years experiences on public private partnership (PPP). It is one of the countries with best PPP performance. Most of Chilean PPP projects are urban transportation constructions, which includes the urban transportation reform in Santiago, the capital of Chile. The reform helped Santiago to become the most developed city on urban transportation in Latin America, and it is an epitome of PPP history in Chile. Moreover, the reform shows those successes and failures of PPP. Comparing with other developing countries, Chile absolutely has done an excellent job on PPP, which means experiences, but also challenges.
- Key words: urban policy; public private partnership (PPP); infrastructure; public transportation; Chile; Santiago
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