- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)06-0087-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.06.012
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51778126)。
- 作者简介::苏志华,女,东南大学建筑学院,博士研究生。
- 国内工业遗产近十五年研究进展 ——基于定量与知识图谱的分析
- Review of Domestic Industrial Heritage Research in the Past 15 Years Based on Quantitative and Knowledge Mapping Analysis
- 浏览量:
- 苏志华
- SU Zhihua
- 摘要:
利用CiteSpace 软件将CNKI 数据库中2002-2017 年的国内工业遗产文献进行知识图谱绘制,从文献时间分布、期刊载文量、研究机构及作者、研究热点以及演化路径分析等5 个方面进行论述。结果表明:国内工业遗产研究的爆发年份是2006 年;保护、再利用、景观改造、工业遗产旅游等是热点研究领域;体现了从早期经验总结、实践探索为主到理论辨析、理论实践结合,并逐渐将工业遗产与经济、社会、环境与生态问题紧密联系的多元化发展趋势;研究不足表现在概念的模糊性、学科相对单一、价值认知偏差等问题。 - 关键词:
工业遗产;研究综述;知识图谱;可视化;CiteSpace; - Abstract: This paper draws the knowledge map of the domestic industrial heritage documents in CNKI database from 2002 to 2017 by CiteSpace software. It discusses the five aspects: the time distribution of the documents, the amount of papers published in the periodicals, the research institutions and authors, the cooccurrence analysis of keywords and the evolution path analysis. The results show that: the outbreak year of the domestic industrial heritage research is 2006; protection, reuse, landscape transformation, industrial heritage tourism are hot research areas; reflects the diversified development trend from early experience summary, practice exploration to theoretical analysis, theoretical practice, and gradually linking industrial heritage with economic, social, environmental and ecological issues; the lack of research lies in the vagueness of the concept, the decentralization of research power and the deviation of value recognition.
- Key words: industrial heritage; review; mapping knowledge domains; visualization; CiteSpace
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