- 城市竞争力
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)07-0051-09
- 中图分类号:TU984.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.07.007
- 项目基金:浙江省社科规划课题“中国城镇化质量与城镇化规模协调发展水平测度及空间效应研究”(编号:20NDQN300YB)。
- 作者简介:葛懿夫,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院;
- 基于偏离份额分析模型与弹性系数的城市竞争力研究 ——以江苏省为例
- Research on Urban Competitiveness Based on Shift-Share Analysis Model and Elasticity Analysis: A Case Study of Jiangsu
- 浏览量:
- 葛懿夫 施益军 何仲禹
- GE Yifu SHI Yijun HE Zhongyu
- 摘要:
传统的城市竞争力研究通常仅在计算出城市竞争力综合得分后进行区域内城市竞争力得分的排名。本文通过构建城市竞争力理论模型与相应指标体系,并在此基础上运用偏离份额分析模型与弹性系数分析,研究了2006 年至2015 年间江苏省13 个地级市市区和44 个县市城市竞争力的发展演变,并将所有样本城市依据其与区域总体竞争力的关系分为4 类,分析不同类别下的城市竞争力影响机制差异,为江苏省各地区规划决策与确定未来发展主导方向提供参考。 - 关键词:
城市竞争力;偏离份额分析;弹性系数分析;江苏; - Abstract: Previous researches on urban competitiveness usually calculated the index weight through certain methods, and then ranked the regional urban competitiveness through a weighed score. In this paper, the theoretical model of urban competitiveness and the corresponding index system are constructed, and the score of urban competitiveness at 13 prefecture-level cities and 44 county-level cities in Jiangsu province from 2006 to 2015 are obtained by using entropy weight method. On this basis, our research studies the evolution of urban competitiveness in this period through shift-share analysis and elasticity analysis. All cities are divided into four categories according to their relationship with the overall competitiveness of the region, and the differences in the mechanism that affects the competitiveness of different types of cities are analyzed, so as to provide reference for the specific development guidance to improve the competitiveness of regions in Jiangsu province.
- Key words: urban competitiveness; shift-share analysis; elasticity analysis; Jiangsu province
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