- “三生空间”优化策略研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)07-0009-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.07.002
- 项目基金:武汉研究院2 0 18年重点课题“武汉乡村振兴战略实施路径与方法研究”(IWHS20181003)。
- 作者简介:孙璐,深圳市建筑科学研究院股份有限公司,高级技术经理,武汉大学城市设计学院,博士,研究方向:城乡规划与设计、可持续发展的人居环境场所营造;
- 空间规划视域下武汉市乡村“三生空间”分类与功能评价研究
- Research on Classification and Functional Evaluation of Rural Production-Living-Ecological Space in Wuhan from a Spatial Planning Perspective
- 浏览量:
- 孙璐 王江萍
- SUN Lu WANG Jiangping
- 摘要:
以武汉市乡村空间为研究对象,首先,以用地现状主导功能为分类依据,参照现行用地分类标准,构建乡村“三生空间”分类体系,对武汉市乡村“三生空间”进行分类。然后,通过对目前主流的空间功能评价指标进行梳理和筛选,构建乡村“三生空间”功能评价体系,采用生物物理过程直接测算法,辅以价值量转化法对武汉市乡村“三生空间”进行功能评价。最后,对武汉市乡村“三生空间”的分布特征和原因进行分析,以期为武汉市乡村空间优化的各类要素投入提供依据和导向。 - 关键词:
三生空间;乡村;价值评价;武汉市; - Abstract: Taking Wuhan rural space as the research object, first of all, based on the current status of
land use as the basis for classification, referring to the current land use classification standards, a rural production-living-ecological space classification system is constructed to classify the rural productionliving-ecological space in Wuhan. Then, by combing and screening the current mainstream spatial function evaluation indicators, a rural production-living-ecological space function evaluation system is constructed, using a direct measurement algorithm of biophysical processes, supplemented by the valuequantity conversion method for the Wuhan production-living-ecological space. Finally, the distribution characteristics and causes of the production-living-ecological space in the rural areas of Wuhan city are analyzed in order to provide a basis and guidance for the input of various factors for the optimization of rural space in Wuhan city.
- Key words: production-living-ecological space; rural; value evaluation; Wuhan
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