- 城市公园可达性及其影响研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)08-0002-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.08.001
- 项目基金:国家林业局软课题(2016-R32);国家留学基金委(201908320579);江苏高校优势学科建设工程项目(PAPD)。
- 作者简介:张金光(1991-),山东滕州人,南京林业大学与哥本哈根大学联合培养博士研究生,研究方向为城市绿色基础设施规划;
- 城市公园可达性研究演进与领域动态
- Urban Park Accessibility Research Progress and Field Dynamics
- 浏览量:
- 张金光 赵兵
- ZHANG Jinguang ZHAO Bing
- 摘要:
良好的公园可达性是居民充分享受公园生态与社会服务效益的先决条件,然而目前文献缺少对可达性研究演进的全面认知和领域探索。文章借助于科学计量技术提取Web of Science (WoS)核心数据库以及中国知网(C N K I ) 所收录的国内外高质量文献的关键词,定量分析关键词的共现频次与突现度,并将目标期划分为3 个阶段(1992—2000 年,2001—2009 年,2010—2018 年),系统地探索公园可达性研究的演进历程、前沿热点与领域动态。研究发现:1)国外公园可达性研究的主题领域在逐渐扩大,从第一阶段聚集在交通领域,逐渐向环境生态、公众健康、城市研究、风景园林等领域拓展;2)国内对公园可达性的研究相对薄弱,主要聚焦在风景园林学科视角,侧重于绿色基础设施布局与优化等应用研究;3)体力活动,公众健康是可达性领域中最高频共现关键词,良好的公园可达性有利于人群身心健康,而体力活动则是建立这一关联性的重要中介因素;4)儿童、老人等弱势群体在享受公园服务(公园可达性)上的公平性和正义性等问题,是当下研究的前沿热点。同时,从可达性与公园服务、影响因素与测度方法、可达性与公众健康以及可达性与环境正义4 大聚类视角,综述了公园可达性研究的领域动态,探索未来的发展趋势,为我国人居环境建设提供理论支撑与经验借鉴。 - 关键词:
公园绿地;可达性;体力活动;公共健康;环境正义; - Abstract: Reasonable access to urban parks is a prerequisite for residents to fully enjoy the benefits of ecological and social services provided by urban parks, yet there is a lack of comprehensive cognition of the evolution of accessibility research and exploration of the field dynamics. Based on the bibliometrics method, the relevant research literature retrieved from the WoS core database and CNKI database (1992 to 2018) were sorted out. In addition, the research evolution, frontier hotspots and field dynamics of park accessibility were analyzed. The results show that: 1) The subject categories of park accessibility research retrieved from WoS are gradually expanding. From the first phase (1992-2000), transportation, engineering and other fields, gradually evolved into the theme of environmental ecology, public health, urban research, landscape planning, etc. 2) Research studies retrieved from CNKI regarding park accessibility is relatively fewer, and they are mainly concentrated in the perspective of landscape architecture, focusing on the applied research on the layout and optimization of green infrastructure. 3) Physical activity, public health is the field of park accessibility research. Park accessibility is closely related to the public health level, while physical activities are the intermediate factors to establish this relationship. 4) Children, the elderly and other vulnerable groups enjoy the fairness of park services and environmental justice are issues at the forefront of current research. Furthermore, this paper reviews the field dynamics of park accessibility research in terms of the accessibility and park services, influencing factors and measurement methods, accessibility and public health, and accessibility and environmental justice.
- Key words: park green space; accessibility; physical activity; public health; environmental justice
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