- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)08-0115-07
- 中图分类号:K892 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.08.016
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“两湖地区传统戏曲演出场所研究”(19YJC760079)的重要阶段性研究成果。
- 作者简介:彭然,武汉工程大学副教授,武汉理工大学博士研究生,武汉工程大学建筑与城乡规划研究中心常务副主任;
- 乡村宗祠发展与传承研究 ——以鄂东地区为例
- Study on the Development and Inheritance of Rural Ancestral Temples: A Case Study of Eastern Hubei Province
- 浏览量:
- 彭然 徐伟
- PENG Ran XU Wei
- 摘要:
宗祠是我国古代乡村中大量分布的公共性建筑,近年来全国各地新建宗祠之风尤盛,其诸多问题也受到了社会的广泛关注。以湖北省东部地区的乡村宗祠为例,对影响其发展和传承的客观性因素进行了深入剖析:首先,农业文明所自然孕育出的宗法文化是促进宗祠发展的根本原因;其次,鄂东多山的环境强化了当地人聚族而居的生活模式,同时也促使该地区的祠堂在分布上形成“宗祠—支祠—家祠”的清晰层级,但是普遍性聚族而居的格局也使得宗族之间的冲突和斗争成为常态,进而宗法文化的内向性与自闭性凸显,最终导致宗祠的建筑性格也始终表现为孤立和封闭;再者,自宋代以来的“江西填湖广”大规模移民运动为鄂东地区输入了更为强烈的宗族意识,从而进一步促进了该地区宗祠的大量建设。最后,针对鄂东地区在当前宗祠建设中所面临的问题提出了相关建议。 - 关键词:
乡村宗祠;发展;传承;研究;鄂东地区; - Abstract: The ancestral temple is a large number of public buildings distributed in ancient villages in China. In recent years, the ancestral temples construction has been especially popular all over the country, and many of its problems have also received widespread attention from the society. This article takes the rural ancestral temple in the eastern area of Hubei province as an example, and analyzes the objective factors that affect its development and inheritance. Firstly, the patriarchal culture naturally cultivated by agricultural civilization is the root cause of the development of the ancestral temple. Secondly, the mountainous environment of eastern Hubei has strengthened the life mode of living together with clans for local people, and has also promoted the distribution of ancestral temples in the area to form a clear hierarchy of “total ancestral temple - branch ancestral temple - family ancestral temple”, but the general living together with clans has also made the conflicts and struggles between clans to a common phenomenon, and the introversion and autism of the patriarchal culture have become prominent, and it caused the architectural character of the ancestral temple to always appear isolated and closed finally. Furthermore, the large-scale immigration movement from Jiangxi to Hubei and Hunan province since the Song dynasty imported stronger clan consciousness into the eastern Hubei, thereby further promoting the extensive construction of ancestral temples in the region. Finally, this article puts forward some opinions and suggestions on the related problems faced by the current ancestral temple construction in the eastern Hubei.
- Key words: rural ancestral temple; development; inheritance; research; eastern Hubei
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