- 城市公园可达性及其影响研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)08-0044-09
- 中图分类号:TU985 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.08.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51678288)。
- 作者简介:徐珊,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 社区绿色开放空间对邻里交往满意度的影响研究
- Research on the Influence of Community Green Open Space on the Satisfaction of Neighborhood Communication
- 浏览量:
- 徐珊 何仲禹
- XU Shan HE Zhongyu
- 摘要:
在“健康中国”的国家战略背景下,提高居民生活满意度和幸福感是高质量城镇化发展的重要内容。社区建成空间环境是促进邻里交往从而提高居民生活满意度的重要因素。研究选取南京市不同类型社区的居民作为研究对象,通过问卷调查数据,运用有序Lo gis tic 回归模型,探讨社区绿色开放空间环境对自我评价式的邻里交往满意度的影响。文章从社区客观建成环境、居民对社区绿地主观感知、居民社区绿地使用行为和个人社会经济属性4 个维度构建了邻里交往满意度的影响因素自变量体系。结果表明,主观感知中绿化是否充足,社区广场大小是否合适,交往意愿与交往空间评价,客观环境中绿化覆盖率、容积率,去绿地频率与活动类型,以及个人社交偏好对邻里交往满意度有显著的影响。文章为快速城镇化过程中居民邻里交往满意度的绿色开放空间影响提供了较好的实证检验,对提升居民邻里交往满意度从而促进公共健康具有重要的现实意义。 - 关键词:
交往满意度;邻里环境;绿色开放空间;社区绿地;有序Logistic回归; - Abstract: In the context of the national strategy of “Healthy China”, improving residents' life satisfaction and happiness is an important part of high-quality urbanization development. Building environment of community is an important factor in promoting neighborhood communication and improving residents' life satisfaction. In this study, residents of different types of communities in Nanjing were selected as research objects. Through questionnaire survey data, an ordered logistic regression model is used to explore the influence of community green open space on self-evaluated satisfaction of neighborhood communication. The article constructs an independent variable system of factors affecting the satisfaction of neighborhood communication from the objective construction environment of the community, the subjective perception of the community green space, the community green space use behavior and the individual socioeconomic attributes. Results show that subjective perceptions of sufficient greening, squares' size, willingness to communicate, and communication space, green coverage rate and floor area ratio of the objective environment, frequency of visiting green space and activity type in green space, personal social preferences have significant impact on satisfaction of neighborhood communication. This paper provides a good empirical test for the impact of green open space on the satisfaction of residents' neighborhoods in the process of rapid urbanization. It has important practical significance for improving residents' neighborhoods satisfaction and enhancing health.
- Key words: communication satisfaction; neighborhood environment; green open space; community green space; ordered logistic regression
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