  • 城乡统筹
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)08-0081-08
  • 中图分类号:K902,TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.08.011
  • 项目基金:江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目;国家社会科学基金重点项目(15AJL014)。
  • 作者简介:魏中胤,江苏师范大学地理测绘与城乡规划学院硕士研究生; 沈山,通信作者,江苏师范大学教授,博士,注册城乡规划师。
  • 江苏省特色小镇产业类型与区域布局研究
  • Research on Industrial Type and Regional Layout of Characteristic Towns in Jiangsu Province
  • 浏览量:
  • 魏中胤 沈山
  • WEI Zhongyin SHEN Shan
  • 摘要:
    剖析75 个江苏特色小镇主导产业类型,运用空间近邻指数、V o r o n oi 图形、不平衡指数等方法,分析江苏特色小镇的空间分布特征,探究布局因素。结论:①江苏特色小镇重视战略性新兴产业发展,与各地市主导产业关系密切,基于主导产业可分为高端制造、信息经济、创意创业、休闲康养、历史经典5 类;②江苏特色小镇空间布局南密北疏,总体为集聚型,呈 “一极一带”分布格局,5 类小镇均有明显集聚区;③江苏特色小镇创设政策环境向好,地域条件优良,有“依托经济、人口、科技,邻城,沿线,靠园,文化驱动”的布局特征。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: According to the dominant industry type of 75 characteristic towns in Jiangsu province, the paper analyzes their spatial differentiation characteristics and explores the influencing factors by using the methods of the nearest point index, Voronoi, unbalance index, etc. Conclusions are as follows: ①The Jiangsu characteristic town are closely related to the development of strategic emerging industries and the city's leading industries. Based on the leading industries, it can be divided into five categories: highend manufacturing, information economy, creative entrepreneurship, leisure and health, history and culture.②The spatial layout of the Jiangsu characteristic town is dense in the south and sparse in the north, and it is an agglomeration type, showing the distribution pattern of "one pole and one belt". All the five types of towns have obvious agglomeration areas. The construction of the Jiangsu characteristic town has good policy environment and geographical conditions, and has the layout feature of "relying on economy, population, and science technology, close to cities, industrial parks and transportation lines, influenced by culture".
  • Key words: the characteristic town; leading industry; space layout; Jiangsu province
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