- 城市公园可达性及其影响研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)08-0018-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.08.003
- 项目基金:国家社会科学重点基金项目“大都市中产化进程与政策研究(17A S H003)”;国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目(留金发〔2018〕3101号)。
- 作者简介:余思奇(1992-),女,贵州遵义人,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院博士研究生,研究方向为城市生态环境规划、城市住房与社会空间研究等;
- 社会公平视角下城市公园绿地的可达性研究 ——以南京中心城区为例
- The Evaluation of Accessibilities to Urban Parks from the Perspective of Social Justice: A Case Study of Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 余思奇 朱喜钢 刘风豹 孙洁 吴言
- YU Siqi ZHU Xigang LIU Fengbao SUN Jie WU Yan
- 摘要:
社会转型期与生态文明时代,提升城市环境质量、均衡资源配置和维护社会公平正成为关注焦点。以南京中心城区为例,应用Arc GIS 网络分析方法,以“10 分钟步行生活圈”作为指标,从居住小区层面评价城市公园绿地的可达性,并利用居民住房的属性特征表征其经济社会阶层进行公平性评价。结果显示南京中心城区60.5% 的居住小区位于公园绿地“10 分钟步行生活圈”内,大多数城市居民能够享有公园绿地服务。另一方面可达性与住宅价格正相关,与建成年代负相关,新建低档小区对公园绿地可达性最低。城市公园绿地在不同社会阶层群体中存在分配不平等现象。居民需求与能力分化、城市发展惯性与累积、政策制度选择性滤出是南京城市公园绿地社会分异的成因。 - 关键词:
生活圈;绿地;可达性;空间分异;社会正义; - Abstract: In the period of social transformation and ecological civilization, improving the quality of the urban environment, balancing urban resource allocation, and ensuring social equity become the focus. Taking the central city of Nanjing as an example, using the ArcGIS network analysis method, we use the 10-minute walk life circle as an indicator to evaluate the accessibility of urban parks from the neighborhood level. Then we apply the attribute of residential characteristics to make an equity assessment. The results show that 60.5% of the residents of Nanjing are located within the 10-minute walk life circle of the green space, and most urban residents can enjoy the green space service. On the other hand, accessibility is positively correlated with housing prices, and negatively correlated with the built year. New low-income communities have the lowest accessibility to parks. Therefore, urban parks have an injustice in the distribution among different socioeconomic groups. What’s more, the differentiation of residents' needs and capabilities, the inertia and accumulation of urban development, and the selective filtering of policies are the causes of the social differentiation of urban parks in Nanjing.
- Key words: life circle; green space; accessibility; spatial differentiation; social justice
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