- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)08-0122-10
- 中图分类号:D90 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.08.017
- 项目基金:国家社科基金重点项目“商土中国及其法治建设研究”(编号:16AFX014)。
- 作者简介:谢遥,男,法学博士,中共浙江省委党校,讲师。
- 城市的乌托邦? ——论城市权利的基础、困境与可能
- The Utopia of Urbanization? —The Basis, Dilemma and Possibility of the Rights to the City
- 浏览量:
- 谢遥
- XIE Yao
- 摘要:
列斐伏尔等人基于空间哲学,以日常生活批判为角度切入到城市空间的生产与再生产活动,认为当前城市空间深受资本逻辑的影响,并造成了空间异化、空间隔离等城市问题。在此基础上,列斐伏尔等人提出要通过以舒适居住权、参与决策权、空间使用权及信息权为内容的城市权利来解决。但从现实条件来看,城市权利在主体、内容及实施方面都存在着困境,只是一个关于城市的乌托邦。而如果要实现乌托邦中的可能性,剔除理论中民粹主义的危险,就需要遵循城市权利法律化的路径,具体通过不断提高空间在法律中的地位、将城市权利主体范畴法律化、城市权利原则化等方面来完成。 - 关键词:
空间法理学;城市权利;空间正义;乌托邦; - Abstract: Lefebvre and others cut into the production and reproduction of urban space from the perspective of daily life criticism. They pointed out the current urban space is deeply influenced by the capital logic, which has resulted in some unhealthy phenomena such as spatial alienation and spatial isolation. On this basis, Lefebvre and others proposed that the current urbanization process should be solved through the right to the city. However, from the realistic point of view, there are difficulties in the subject, content and implementation of the right to the city, which is only a utopia about the city. If we want to realize the possibility of utopia and eliminate the danger of populism in theory, we must follow the way of legalization of the right to the city. This is accomplished by continuously improving the status of space in law, legalizing the subject category of urban rights, and making urban rights principled.
- Key words: spatial jurisprudence; the right to the city; spatial justice; utopia
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