- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)09-0093-08
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.09.013
- 作者简介:朱宁(1991—),男,硕士,江苏省城镇化和城乡规划研究中心助理规划师;
- 江苏沿江地区化工园转型思考 ——基于德国莱茵河流域化工园发展的启示
- Study on the Transformation of Chemical Parks in the Region along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu: A Case Study of the Development of Chemical Parks in the Region along the Rhine River in Germany
- 浏览量:
- 朱宁 丁志刚
- ZHU Ning DING Zhigang
- 摘要:
文章通过对德国莱茵河流域3 大化工园的分析,指出“化工4.0”的产业层次是德国化工园与城市实现人居融合的产业基础。在政府对环保要求的严苛约束,以及“即插即用”的园区运营改革双向促进下,德国化工园进一步通过多层次的安全防护、园区布局的更新优化、发达管廊网络的构建和企业在地性的产城营造实现化工园的转型升级。以此为借鉴,在长江大保护和高质量发展的要求下,结合化工园转型发展需求,指出江苏沿江地区应从资源整合与产业升级、园区运营改革、园区布局优化和本土企业培育4 个方面,因地制宜制定转型发展规划。 - 关键词:
德国;莱茵河;化工园;江苏沿江;转型; - Abstract: This paper points out that “Chemistry 4.0” is the industrial prerequisite for urban-chemical park integration in Germany based on the study of three chemical parks in the region along the Rhine River. Transformation of German chemical parks has been dual-advanced by strict environmental protection requirements and operation reform of “plug and play” model from government and chemical park respectively. Promotion of German chemical parks has been realized by multi-level safety precaution, renewal of functional layout, construction of high-density pipeline network and local rooted headquarters. In order to meet the requirement of Conservation of the Yangtze River and High-Quality Development, chemical parks in the region along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu should be transformed and promoted in four aspects, including integration and upgrading of chemistry industry, operation reform, optimization of functional layout and cultivation of local leading chemical enterprises.
- Key words: Germany; the Rhine River; chemical park; the region along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu; transformation
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