  • 高速铁路影响效应研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)09-0025-06
  • 中图分类号:U491    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.09.004
  • 项目基金:国家社会科学基金项目“高铁联网背景下城市群空间格局演进机理与优化研究”(16B J L121);重庆市教委重点项目“高铁时代区域竞合关系演化及重庆的空间发展对策研究”(18SK GH047)。
  • 作者简介:黄娅,女,硕士,重庆交通大学经济与管理学院,研究方向为城市和区域经济研究; 任晓红,女,通信作者,博士,重庆交通大学经济与管理学院教授,硕士研究生导师,研究方向为区域经济学。
  • 基于收入视角探析“被高铁”现象及合理的交通方式选择 ——以成渝线路为例
  • An Analysis of the Phenomenon of "Being High-Speed Railed" and the Reasonable Choice of Transportation Mode from the Perspective of Income: A Case Study of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway
  • 浏览量:
  • 黄娅 任晓红
  • HUANG Ya REN Xiaohong
  • 摘要:
    基于2018 年10 月列车时刻表中的数据,选取较为典型的成渝线路作为案例,首先把收入水平作为旅客选择交通方式的决策变量,将计算出的基于时间节省的货币成本与其小时工资相比较,判断城市“被高铁”情况。其次,基于计算的不同“被高铁”情况,并结合城市的平均月收入分析旅客出行主要交通方式选择的合理性。研究结果表明:去往各个样本城市的旅客出行有较大的可能性会“被高铁”;不同城镇居民消费高铁的能力差异显著,月收入在1704.11~2108.88 元的乘客存在轻度“被高铁”现象,月收入在1704.11 元以下的乘客存在较为严重的“被高铁”现象。从旅客收入角度考虑,月收入低于2108.88 元的旅客选择普通列车出行较为合理,月收入高于2108.88 元的旅客选择高铁出行较为合理。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Based on the data in the train schedule in October 2018, a more typical Chengdu-Chongqing line is selected as a case. First, the income level is used as a decision variable for passengers to choose transportation methods, and the calculated monetary cost based on time savings is compared with their hourly wages. Secondly, it analyzes the rationality of passenger travel's main transportation modes based on the calculated different "Being High-Speed Railed" situations and the average monthly income of the city. The results of the study show that passengers traveling to each sample city are more likely to be "Being High-Speed Railed"; different urban residents have significant differences in their ability to consume highspeed rail. From the perspective of passenger income, monthly income is RMB1704.11 to RMB2108.88) passengers are mildly"Being High-Speed Railed", and passengers with monthly income of less than 1704.11 Yuan have a more serious phenomenon of "Being High-Speed Railed". From the perspective of passenger income, it is more reasonable for passengers with a monthly income of less than RMB 2108.88 to travel by ordinary train, and passengers with a monthly income of more than RMB 2108.88 to travel by high-speed rail.
  • Key words: Chengdu-Chongqing expressway line; "Being High-Speed Railed"; income; mode of transport
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