- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)10-0099-12
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.10.014
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划课题(2018YFD1100303-03)。
- 作者简介:谭瑛,东南大学建筑学院,副教授;
- 流域·市域·城域:城市山水格局的多尺度数字化解析方法研究
- Drainage Area,City Administrative Area,Main City Area: Multi-Scale Digital Analysis Method of Urban Landscape Pattern
- 浏览量:
- 谭瑛 王淳淳 韩晓昱
- TAN Ying WANG Chunchun HAN Xiaoyu
- 摘要:
大多数中国城市在悠久的发展历史中,城市的空间格局嵌合山水形胜形成了多尺度嵌套层叠的复合结构,凝练了东方审美和传统智慧,对城市发展具有生态、美学、功能意义。通常的城市山水格局评价多针对单一尺度,并以定性描述为主,不能准确揭示城市山水格局背后的整体逻辑。文章阐述了城市山水格局的数字化解析方法,包括尺度划分环节、数据集构建环节和数据解析环节。并以登封市为样本,在卫星数据、文献资料和实地调研访谈基础上,从形态、气象、视觉多个观察和分析视角,探讨尺度的逐层约束、信息的同向传递,并据此提出景观规划引导。文章有助于推进定量、理性的人地关系理论研究。 - 关键词:
山水格局;多尺度;数字化解析;登封市; - Abstract: In the long history of development in most Chinese cities, the spatial pattern of the city is a mosaic of mountains and rivers, forming a multi-scale nested and laminated composite structure, which condenses oriental aesthetics and traditional wisdom, and has ecological, aesthetic and functional significance for urban development. The evaluation of urban landscape pattern usually focuses on a single scale and mainly qualitative description. It cannot accurately reveal the overall logic behind the urban landscape pattern. This paper describes the multi-scale digital analysis method of urban landscape pattern, including scale division, data set construction and data analysis. Taking Dengfeng city as a sample, based on satellite data, literature, field surveys and interviews, the same direction transmission of constraints and information layer by layer of scale has been discussed combined with multiple observation and analysis perspectives of pattern, meteorology and vision. Based on these, landscape planning guides are proposed. This article is helpful to promote the uantitative and rational theoretical study of man-land relationship.
- Key words: landscape pattern; multi-scale; digital analysis; Dengfeng city
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