- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)11-0065-07
- 中图分类号:TU246.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.11.010
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“健康城市视角下的紧凑城市形态量化指标体系研究:以苏南城市为例”(51878428);国家社会科学基金重大项目“未来十年我国城市老年人口居家养老保障体系研究”(12&ZD212);江苏省建设系统科技项目“基于产出性指标的适宜养老住区评价体系研究——以苏州市为例”(2016ZD45);“十三五”江苏省重点(培育)学科建设项目。
- 作者简介:王依明,通信作者,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,讲师,博士;
- 基于老年人需求特征的社区日间照料设施功能复合化策略研究
- The Demand Structure and Consolidating Supply Strategy of Multiple Elderly Day Care Services
- 浏览量:
- 王依明 李雪 李斌
- WANG Yiming LI Xue LI Bin
- 摘要:
基于我国上海、成都、大连、广州、呼和浩特等5 个典型大城市老年人的日间照料服务需求调查,分析不同类型日间照料服务的需求比例、需求复合特征、服务对象的相对独立性、服务对象的重叠程度、整合供给时的设施服务效度等5 个方面的特征,探究社区老年人日间照料设施的功能配置与空间组织策略。研究发现:在所分析的4 类服务中,老年人对失智失能类日间照料服务的需求最大,其次是养护类日间照料服务,大多数老年人需要1~2 类日间照料服务,成都市、大连市、上海市的日间照料设施宜提供失智失能类与养护类2 类服务,呼和浩特市、广州市的日间照料设施宜提供失智失能类、养护类与康复类3 类服务,成都市、大连市、广州市宜在日间照料设施中设置失智失能类服务专区。 - 关键词:
老年人;日间照料服务;需求特征;功能复合化;发展策略; - Abstract: Based on the data of day care service demand of the elderly in 5 typical Chinese metropolis, this paper discusses the functional configuration and spatial organization strategy of community day care facilities for the elderly from the perspective of frequency distribution, composite characteristics, relative independence of service consumers, overlapping degree of service consumers and facility service validity with consolidating supply of different types of day care service demand. The following are the research findings: among the four types of services analyzed, the elderly have the greatest demand for dementia and disability day care service, followed by nursing day care service. Most elderly people need one or two types of day care services. In terms of geography, day care facilities in Chengdu, Dalian, and Shanghai should provide two types of services: dementia and disability day care service, nursing day care service, while those in Hohhot and Guangzhou should provide three types of services: dementia and disability day care service, nursing day care service and rehabilitation day care service. The cities of Chengdu, Dalian and Guangzhou are suitable for setting up special care unit to provide dementia and disability services in day care facilities.
- Key words: the elderly; day care services; demand characteristics; multiple function organization; development strategy
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