- 传统村落的保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)11-0008-08
- 中图分类号:K928.5 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.11.002
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目“有机更新视角下的城市边缘传统村落色彩演变机制与调控策略研究”(51908363)。
- 作者简介:边文娟,深圳大学,讲师;
- 传统赣北村落色彩特征与保护更新研究 ——以江西省罗田村为例
- Research on Color Features and Preservation and Renovation of Traditional Villages in North Jiangxi: A Case Study of Luotian Village in Jiangxi
- 浏览量:
- 边文娟 黄东
- BIAN Wenjuan HUANG Dong
- 摘要:
随着城镇化进程的加快,传统赣北村落存在忽视地域色彩特征、生硬地借鉴和模仿城市色彩规划的问题,破坏了村落原本和谐有序的色彩风貌。文章以江西省罗田村为例,基于NCS 色彩体系和SPSS 统计分析软件提取和量化分析村落自然环境色彩与人文环境色彩关系,得出两种环境色彩基本属性值的分布趋近,但是色相构成存在差异。针对保护更新,提出“提升村落色彩融合程度、分类制定建筑色彩控制措施和凸显村落公共空间色彩”等村落色彩优化建议。 - 关键词:
传统赣北村落;色彩特征;保护更新;NCS色彩体系; - Abstract: As the process of urbanization accelerates, traditional villages in North Jiangxi have the problems of ignoring regional color features, bluntly borrowing and imitating urban color planning, which destroys the village's originally harmonious and orderly color appearance. Taking Luotian village in Jiangxi province as an example, based on NCS color system and SPSS statistics to extract and quantitatively analyze the relationship between the natural environment color and the human environment color of the village, it is concluded that the distribution of the basic attribute values of the two environmental colors is close, but there exists difference in the hue composition. For preservation and renovation, this research proposes suggestions for village color optimization, such as improving the degree of village color integration, formulating building color control measures by classification, and highlighting the colors of village public space.
- Key words: traditional villages in North Jiangxi; color features; preservation and renovation; NCS color system
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