- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)12-0125-08
- 中图分类号:X32 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.12.019
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFE0196000);国家自然科学基金项目(51875328、31670470)。
- 作者简介:史宝刚,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生,深圳市规划国土发展研究中心规划师;
- 基于ENVI-met模型的南京市新街口地区垂直绿化降温效应评价
- Assessment of the Cooling Effect for Urban Façade Greening in Xinjiekou District, Nanjing, China
- 浏览量:
- 史宝刚 尹海伟 孔繁花 刘佳
- SHI Baogang YIN Haiwei KONG Fanhua LIU Jia
- 摘要:
垂直绿化作为缓解城市建设用地紧张与绿化用地不足矛盾的重要绿化类型,可较为有效地降低以热岛效应为代表的热环境变化对城市生态环境质量的影响。文章以南京市新街口地区为例,将建筑尺度上有较多研究基础的垂直绿化降温效应上推至街区层面,依据垂直绿化的适建性构建其建设情景,基于ENVI-met 模型对不同情景下垂直绿化的降温效应整体的、可能的特征或态势做出判断。结果表明:依据适建性所构建的3种垂直绿化建设情景,整体降温效应均呈现出早晚时间段好于中午的特征,在水平空间上降温效应随距离呈函数衰减的特点;相同面积不同建设布局的垂直绿化降温效果较为相似,但其内在降温特征存在差别;在仅考虑对研究区空气温度降低方面,垂直绿化降温效能偏弱,其整体的降温效能为部分的简单叠加。研究弥补了街区尺度上进行垂直绿化生态评价方面定量分析之不足,研究结果可为规划实践以及相关政府部门制定垂直绿化的推进策略提供参考和依据。 - 关键词:
垂直绿化;降温效应;ENVI-met;南京; - Abstract: As a new method of urban greening, the green façade possess many superiorities in aspects of improving outdoor thermal environment and ease the conflicts between the demand and supply of green space. In high-density cities, buildings’ surface area is much greater than the roof and ground surface areas combined, offering a huge vertical surface for greening. However, scientific evidence to assert the thermal benefit from this greening option especially at neighborhood scale is still very few. Therefore, we used the Xinjiekou district of Nanjing city in China as a case study area, and made the study area upscaling to neighborhood level from building scale that have a good research bases. Based on the results of the assessment of the potential for urban façade, several parametric scenarios were developed by means of the microclimate model ENVI-met, which forecasts the cooling effect and energy saving potential of green façade in the neighborhood. The results show that the three façade greening scenarios’ cooling effect the most two section is before 10 in the morning and evening after 4 for the statistical period, and it’s a power function of horizontal distance from the façade greening. Different scenario’s overall cooling effect for the same area with different layout is similar, but its internal cooling characteristics are different. Given only the decrease of air temperature in the study area, the energy saving of green façade is weak. And the overall cooling effect of façade greening is a simple superposition of parts. This research can fill in the gap of quantitative analysis of ecology provided by green façade, and the results of this study provide a basis for the related departments to formulate the promotion strategy of vertical greening construction.
- Key words: green façade; cooling effect; ENVI-met; Nanjing city
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