- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)12-0082-06
- 中图分类号:D63 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.12.013
- 作者简介:卫劭华,武汉大学政治与公共管理学院硕士研究生,研究方向为城市治理和公共政策。
- 基于因子分析的区域城市竞争力比较研究:来自湖北省内12个地级市的经验证据
- A Comparative Study of Regional Urban Competitiveness Based on Factor Analysis: Empirical Evidence from 12 Prefecture-Level Cities in Hubei Province
- 浏览量:
- 卫劭华
- WEI Shaohua
- 摘要:
城市竞争力是区域综合发展能力的集中体现。聚焦城市竞争力评价,对把握城市发展规律、科学探索创新型城市建设具有重要意义。以湖北省12 个地级市为研究样本,捕捉经济发展、社会事业、公共基础设施建设、生态环境4 个维度的统计数据建立城市竞争力评价体系,运用因子分析法对评价体系内24 项变量指标进行因子提取与旋转,并对相关公因子进行测算,最后对研究样本进行实证分析。研究发现:湖北省内12 个地级市各层指标之间呈现显著的城际差异,武汉、襄阳与宜昌等城市虹吸效应较为明显,其中武汉市的虹吸效应最为明显。生态环境层面与其余层面的测算结果排序呈倒置样态,在空间分布上,省内北部城市的生态环境质量要普遍优于南部城市。在未来,“以点带面、点面结合”的城市群协同发展机制才是更为适宜的现代城市群治理模式。 - 关键词:
城市治理;城市竞争力;区域城市研究;因子分析; - Abstract: Urban competitiveness is a concentrated expression of regional comprehensive development capabilities. Focusing on the evaluation of urban competitiveness is of great significance to grasp the law of urban development and scientifically explore the construction of innovative cities. The research took 12 prefecture-level cities in Hubei province as a research sample, capturing statistical data of economic development, social undertakings, public infrastructure construction, and ecological environment to establish an urban competitiveness evaluation system. The research used factor analysis method to extract and rotate the 24 variable indicators in the evaluation system, and to calculate the relevant public factors, and finally empirical analysis of the research samples. There are significant inter-city differences between the indicators of 12 prefecture-level cities in Hubei province. The siphon effect of Wuhan, Xiangyang and Yichang is more obvious, and the siphon effect of Wuhan is the most obvious. The results of the ecoenvironmental and other levels are in reverse order. In terms of spatial distribution, the quality of the ecoenvironment in northern cities in the province is generally better than that in southern cities. In the future, the coordinated development mechanism of urban agglomerations “using points, areas, and planes” will be a more suitable modern urban agglomeration governance model.
- Key words: urban governance; urban competitiveness; regional city research; factor analysis
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