- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)12-0096-07
- 中图分类号:C913 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.12.015
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(41771167,41371165);国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(41422103);国家社科基金重大项目(16ZDA026)。
- 作者简介:程晗蓓,武汉大学城市设计学院博士研究生,主要研究方向为人口流动与城镇化效应、社会融合与健康不平等;
- 转型期中国城市多维度社会融入对流动人口健康的影响研究
- The Impact of Multidimensional Integration on Migrants’ Health in Transitional Urban China
- 浏览量:
- 程晗蓓 田明 李志刚
- CHENG Hanbei TIAN Ming LI Zhigang
- 摘要:
进入新时代,城市尤其是大城市面临着不平衡、不充分发展的问题,流动人口社会融入与健康问题凸显,尤其需要解析二者的互动机制。为此,文章基于中国25 个城市的实地调研数据,从经济、行为和心理多维度社会融入视角,探讨其与流动人口自评生理健康和主观幸福感的联系。研究发现,流动人口健康受个体属性和社会融入因素共同影响,社会融入各维度对个体健康的影响表现出明显差异。“心理融合”对流动人口的主观幸福感影响更显著,而“行为适应”则与自评生理健康联系更为紧密。就影响因素而言,个体属性中的月收入与自评生理健康呈正相关,工作强度与两种健康水平均呈负相关。行为和心理融合中的社会交往、地方归属感对流动人口的自评生理健康和主观幸福感均有显著的积极影响,是关键性变量;感知社会排斥则产生一定的消极影响。总之,新型城镇化与“健康中国2030 国家战略”有着密切联系。建议政府除了提高流动人口的收入水平、逐步消除收入差距外,也要重点考虑流动人口住区的规划布局,使其更接近中心城区,融入其他社会群体,拓展社会网络和融入机会,进而实现健康促进。 - 关键词:
流动人口;多维度社会融入;健康;影响因素; - Abstract: Based on the data collected from a questionnaire survey in 25 cities in China, this paper examined the determinants of migrants’ health in host cities, particularly focusing on economic, behaviors and psychology integration. The results showed that migrants’ health (Subjective Wellbeing and Selfreported Health) was influenced by both personal characteristics and social integration factors. Importantly, psychology integration played a prominent role in migrants’ SWB; and behavior integration had decisive impact on migrants’ SRH. In detail, regarding personal characteristics, male and high-income migrants seemed to report higher physical health than their counterparts. And migrants in married, well-educated as well as migration with family members had a higher level of SWB. As to social integration, factors like economy integration, social interaction with locals, and sense of belonging had a positive effect on migrants’ health. Differently, factors in dietary behaviors, activities participation, and perceived social exclusion showed an opposite way. All in all, this study confirmed that social integration had significant influence on migrants’ health in urban China, and migrants became increasingly heterogeneous in this relationship. “Urban-to-urban” migrants had an advantage over their fellows, “rural-to-urban” migrants. Thus, the government should articulate the significance of economic attainment for eliminating the income gap. At the same time, the planners should focus on the residential location, especially the tenement and public housings, making them closer to urban centers and locals for promoting their social interaction for the improvement of migrants’ health.
- Key words: migrants; multidimensional social integration; health; determinants
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