- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)12-0077-05
- 中图分类号:TU984.191 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.12.012
- 项目基金:广州市科技计划项目科学研究专项(201707010477);广州市“岭南英杰”工程后备人才(马小毅)培养计划科研课题项目。
- 作者简介:刘新杰,女,广州市交通规划研究院,高级工程师,工学硕士,从事交通模型研究;
- 开发强度分区阶段交通设施容量评估模型及应用
- Model and Application of Traffic Loading Capacity Evaluation in the Development of Land Intensity Zoning
- 浏览量:
- 刘新杰 陈先龙 李彩霞
- LIU Xinjie CHEN Xianlong LI Caixia
- 摘要:
为实现土地开发与交通设施的协调发展,在土地开发强度分区划定阶段提出一种交通设施容量量化评估模型。以动态模型分配为基础,借助综合交通模型平台,整体层面采用目标考核法计算设施容量,约束城市开发总规模;局部层面以资源公平共享为原则计算交通设施容量,精准预警高强度开发区。在广州市开发强度分区划定工作中,利用该模型对土地开发规模、空间分布、土地与交通协调性等进行量化评估和优化建议。 - 关键词:
交通运输经济;开发强度分区;交通设施容量;动态模型分配法;资源公平共享; - Abstract: An improved dynamic model assignment approach is proposed to realize coordinated development between land use and transport facilities. By dynamic traffic assignment on the comprehensive transport modelling platform, at the overall level, target assessment method is used to control the total scale of land-use, and at the local level, the relationship between transport demand and supply of each facility is evaluated based on resources fair sharing principle to identify high-intensity development zones. In the work of land intensity zoning in Guangzhou, this method is used to evaluate land-use scale, the proportion of land-use types, reasonable spatial distribution, and so on.
- Key words: transportation economy; land intensity zoning; traffic loading capacity; dynamic traffic assignment method; resources fair sharing principle
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