  • 生态与环境
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)12-0116-09
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.12.018
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(51878429, 51908392);教育部人文社会科学项目(18YJCZH189);苏州科技大学风景园林学学科建设项目。
  • 作者简介:邵大伟,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,副教授,硕士生导师; 殷文彧,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生; 吴殿鸣,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,副教授,硕士生导师。
  • 基于街区空间的公园绿地—道路—居住用地分布关系研究 ——以南京为例
  • Research on the Distribution Relationship of Park Green Space-Road- Residential Land in the Block Space: A Case Study of Nanjing
  • 浏览量:
  • 邵大伟 殷文彧 吴殿鸣
  • SHAO Dawei YIN Wenyu WU Dianming
  • 摘要:
    公园绿地—道路—居住用地是居民到访、享用绿色空间的主要空间载体和路径,街区是实现其均衡服务、高效布局的基本单元。基于路网自然形成的街区空间,利用核密度、Spea rman 秩相关、经验贝叶斯修正的空间自相关分析方法,以南京为例探究公园绿地、居住用地、道路及不同等级道路的空间布局关系。结果表明:(1)三者空间分异特征突出,均具有较为明显的集聚区域;(2)公园绿地与居住用地、道路整体具有一定错配特征。公园绿地与道路的整体数量相关性和空间相关性均较低,而居住用地和道路关系密切。公园绿地与居住用地的数量关系显著负相关,空间关系则为正相关;(3)局域空间具有显著的道路等级、尺度分异规律。次干路与公园绿地、居住用地关系均最为密切,支路次之,快速路、主干路最小。以期从街区空间介入,优化公园绿地、居住、道路的协同、适配关系,促进生活空间宜居水平和人居环境满意度提升。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Park green space-road-residential land is the main space carrier and path chain for residents to visit and enjoy green space. Blocks are a key unit for achieving a balanced service and efficient layout. Based on the naturally formed block units of the road network, using the nuclear density, Spearman rank correlation, and spatial autocorrelation indicators adjusted by empirical Bayes analysis methods, the relationships among different grades of roads, park green spaces and residential land are explored in Nanjing. The results indicate that: (1) Roads, park green space and residential land have prominent spatial differentiation characteristics and concentrated gathering areas. (2) The park green space has certain mismatch with the residential land and the road entirely. The overall quantitative correlation and global spatial correlation indicate that the park green space is not related to the road significantly, while the residential land and road distribution are extremely close. There is a significant negative correlation between the park green space and the residential land in the quantitative relationship, but it shows a certain positive spatial correlation. (3) Local spatial distribution has significant grade and scale differentiation laws. The secondary trunk roads are closely related to the park green space and residential land, followed by the branch road, and the express road and the trunk road are the smallest. The research could be hoped to enhance the synergy and adaptation of park green space, residence and road from the block space, and improve the livability level of living space and the satisfaction with human settlements.
  • Key words: park green space-road-residential land; block; road network; spatial arrangement; Nanjing
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