- 地摊经济的发展与管理探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)02-0020-07
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.02.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41671179)。
- 作者简介:林攀,华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院,硕士研究生,研究方向为区域发展与城乡规划;
- 城市“夜间经济空间”的生产及其嬗变 ——以武汉市吉庆街为例
- The Production and Transmutation of Urban Night-Time Economic Space: Taking Wuhan Jiqing Street as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 林攀 余斌
- LIN Pan YU Bin
- 摘要:
以武汉市夜间经济名片吉庆街为案例,基于列斐伏尔“空间的生产”理论视角,综合运用田野观察法、访谈法、文本分析法等质性研究方法,对吉庆街夜间经济空间的生产及其嬗变进行解析。研究发现,吉庆街的空间形塑过程主要经历了自由塑造、规范管理及现代商业更新 3 个时期。在自由塑造时期,排档商户、民间艺人、大众食客等民众力量通过自下而上的日常性实践完成对吉庆街夜间经济空间的最初建构;在规范管理时期,行政力量通过与原市井主体间的博弈,加入到吉庆街夜间经济空间的生产中;在现代商业更新时期,权力和资本强势介入,以自上而下的方式完成了对吉庆街夜间经济空间的重塑。在此基础上,对吉庆街的空间嬗变进行批判性的思考与总结。 - 关键词:
夜间经济空间;空间的生产;嬗变;武汉市; - Abstract: Based on the theoretical perspective of the production of space posed by Henri Lefebvre, this article takes Jiqing street (a night-time economy card in Wuhan) as an example to analyze the production and transform process of the night-time economic space in Jiqing street by applying qualitative research methods that include field observation, interview, text analysis. The shaping process of night-time economic space of Jiqing street experienced three periods: free shaping period, normative management period, modern business renewal period. In the free shaping period, the public forces such as stall merchants, folk artisan, mass consumers completed the original construction of night-time economic space of Jiqing street. In normative management period, administrative power joins in the productive process of night-time economic space of Jiqing street by means of game playing with original folks. In modern business renewal period, power and capital completed the reshaping of night-time economic space of Jiqing street from top to bottom. Finally, some critical thinking and summary are made on the basis of the above facts.
- Key words: night-time economic space; the production of space; transmutation; Wuhan city
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