- 地摊经济的发展与管理探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)02-0014-06
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.02.003
- 作者简介:兰文龙(1988—),男,东南大学建筑学院,博士后;
- 南京市主城区早间流动摊商空间特征调查研究
- Research on Spatial Characteristics of Morning Street Vendors in the Main Urban Area of Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 兰文龙 郝辰杰 姜莹 段进
- LAN Wenlong HAO Chenjie JIANG Ying DUAN Jin
- 摘要:
针对学界关于流动摊商正负效益的激烈争论,提出流动摊商是不同人群基于城市公共空间的争夺与博弈,只有紧密围绕其空间属性展开研究,才能为相关城市治理提供切实依据。文章选取南京市主城区早间流动摊商进行全样本调查研究,总结出流动摊商“边缘和中心集聚”的空间分布特征、“与正规商业和街道空间共栖”的空间组织特征,建议通过“公众需求导向的差异化管控分区”和“共栖特征下的街道空间一体化设计”两种方式实现其空间优化。 - 关键词:
流动摊商;非正式就业空间;地摊经济;街道一体化设计;南京; - Abstract: In view of the intense debate about the positive and negative benefits of street vendors in academics, it is proposed that street vendors are the competition between labor force, departments and the public based on the scarce resource of urban public space. Only by focusing on its spatial attributes can it provide a reliable basis for urban governance. A full sample survey of morning street vendors in the main urban area of Nanjing are conducted. It is analyzed from two aspects, namely, the spatial distribution of marginal and central agglomeration and the spatial organization of commensalism with regular commercial space and street space. The results are applied to urban governance. It is suggested that spatial optimization of morning street vendors in the main urban area of Nanjing could be realized through two strategies. One is the zoning by differentiated management and control based on public demand. The other is the integrated design of street space with commensalism characteristics.
- Key words: street vendor; informal employment space; street-stall economy; integrated street design; Nanjing
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