- 产业与经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)02-0106-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.02.017
- 项目基金:中国博士后科学基金第66批面上项目(2019M663350);江西省教育厅科技项目(GJ190822)。
- 作者简介:闫闪闪,区域经济学博士,中山大学旅游学院科研博士后,专业背景涉及旅游管理、人文地理、区域经济等。
- 基于多源数据的城市内旅游流空间集聚和扩散路径研究
- Agglomeration and Diffusion Path of Tourist Flow Incite the City Based on Multi-Source Data
- 浏览量:
- 闫闪闪
- YAN Shanshan
- 摘要:
如何厘清城市内部旅游流空间集散特征是城市旅游协调发展的重要议题。以洛阳市为案例区,通过多源数据的融合,基于核密度空间分析、时间分层法,探究了洛阳市旅游流空间集聚和扩散特征。研究发现 :①城市旅游流空间集聚总体上呈现出“大分散、小集聚、斑块化、小区域”和“一极多核”的特征。②城市旅游流空间聚集分布存在着明显的季相特征,冬季偏聚于中心城区,而夏季游客群体表现出向下辖各县市流动和扩散的倾向,季相性的旅游流空间收敛和发散特征明显。③游客在各景区点之间扩散路径模式为单点型扩散模式、区域内扩散模式和跨区域扩散模式 3 种,而在各县市扩散路径分为单一点对点模式、多点线型模式、环形链模式和“茎 + 花瓣”4 种模式。研究结果可为城市旅游交通优化、旅游线路设计、空间结构规划等提供科学依据。同时,也为旅游流空间分析提供了新的数据获取方式,推动旅游流空间尺度研究体系走向完善,扩展了当前旅游流空间扩散研究的视角和思路。 - 关键词:
旅游流;空间集聚;扩散路径;多源数据;洛阳市; - Abstract: This study systematically analyses the spatial agglomeration and diffusion path of tourist flow in Luoyang city by utilizing the methods of spatial analysis of core density, time stratification and statistical analysis of mathematical frequency. The results show that: (1)The spatial agglomeration of tourist flows in urban areas generally presents the distribution characteristics of "one pole, multi-core" and "large scattered, small agglomeration, patchy and small area" with the main urban area as the core. (2)There are obvious seasonal characteristics in the spatial aggregation distribution of tourist flow in the city. In winter, it is concentrated in the main urban area, while in summer, it begins to spread to nearby the counties and satellite cities. It has obvious spatial convergence and divergence characteristics.(3)There are three modes of tourist diffusion path between scenic spots: single-point mode, intraregional mode and cross-regional mode, with single-point mode and intraregional mode as the main mode; while in each county and city, the diffusion path can be divided into four modes: single-point-to-point mode, multi-point linear mode, circular chain mode and stem+petal mode. The results can provide scientific basis for the optimization of regional tourism traffic, the design of tourism routes and the planning of spatial structure. It also provides a new way of data acquisition for spatial analysis of tourist flow, promotes the improvement of research system of spatial scale of tourist flow, and expands the perspective and ideas of current research on spatial diffusion of tourist flow.
- Key words: tourist flow; spatial agglomeration; diffusion path; multi-source data; Luoyang
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