- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)02-0033-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.02.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(52078254);教育部人文社 科基金项目(181YJCZH043);江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(风景园林学)。
- 作者简介:徐振,通信作者,南京林业大学风景园林学院,副教授,博士,硕导,注册城市规划师;
- 基于百度地图的中学生步行通学路径与情景分析:以南京建邺区为例
- Analyzing and Scenarioizing Walking Routes and Urban Context of Middle School Students with Baidu Map: A Case Study of Jianye District of Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 徐振 刘安琪 周珍琦 韩凌云
- XU Zhen LIU Anqi ZHOU Zhenqi HAN Lingyun
- 摘要:
促进积极通学是营造健康城市的一部分,家校距离在相当程度上会影响步行通学的可能性。文章以南京建邺区为例,以 Python 爬取百度地图中住宅建筑 POI 点与学校的推荐步行路径,结合地面调查和影像图对路径特征与环境进行分析。研究发现家校直线距离、路径距离、潜在暴露风险在学区内和学区间均有明显差异,且相当部分不符合相关的规范和推荐指标;学区划分、封闭社区和街区尺度均与之有关。在情景分析中发现连通绿地、增设校门、调整施教区均能相当程度缩短部分住宅的通学距离。研究成果有助于评估通学环境,预测通学方式,理解建成环境潜在健康影响,为缩短步行距离、促进积极通学提供参考;采用的方法技术和指标有望为评估相关的城市形态、管理和积极干预提供参考。 - 关键词:
步行通学;施教区;中学生;城市形态;百度地图; - Abstract: Facilitating active school transport is integral to building a healthy city, and the feasibility of walking to school is influenced by home-school distance. With ground-truth investigation and aero images, this research analyzes the shortest routes from home (residential building POI) to school in Baidu map, and the routes’ context. The result shows there are significant variance of liner distance, route distance, and potential exposure within and across school catchments. Considerable residential buildings are beyond service area required by the planning code or recommend threshold, which are attributable to school catchment zoning, super block, and gated urban form. The scenario analysis implies that connecting the green space, adding new school gates as well as adapting school areas would shorten the walking distance to school. Aiming to facilitate active school transport, this study provides insights of evaluating school commute environment, predicting school travel mode, discovering potential health impact of built environment and measures of shortening travel distance. The approach and criteria adopted herein are expected to provide a lens and framework of rapid assessing urban form, management and guiding positive intervention for healthy city.
- Key words: walking to school; school catchment; middle school students; urban form; Baidu map
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