- 全域土地综合整治
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)03-0040-08
- 中图分类号:F301 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.03.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“经济发达区土地利用功能时空权衡机制与分区调控研究:以江苏省为例”(编号:42 0 012 25);自然资源部海岸带开发与保护重点实验室开放基金项目“江苏沿海地区‘三生’空间冲突识别与优化管控研究”(编号:2019CZEPK06)。
- 作者简介:范业婷,南京财经大学公共管理学院,自然资源部海岸带开发与保护重点实验室,博士,讲师;
- 大数据驱动下全域土地综合整治评估思路及其应用方向
- Thinking and Application Direction of Comprehensive Land Consolidation Evaluation Driven by Big Data
- 浏览量:
- 范业婷 金晓斌 张晓琳 孙燕
- FAN Yeting JIN Xiaobin ZHANG Xiaolin SUN Yan
- 摘要:
全域土地综合整治是国家层面的战略部署,更加强调“山水林田湖草是一个生命共同体”的整治理念。基于土地利用调查、统计年鉴等传统数据的整治评估已经难以实现对全域土地综合整治的系统评估。大数据时代的到来,为全域土地综合整治评估与决策提供了新的思路。研究立足全域土地综合整治的发展背景,基于大数据的主要特征,分析大数据驱动全域土地综合整治理念转变的路径,并梳理支撑全域土地综合整治的主要大数据类型以及大数据获取与处理方式,结合全域土地综合整治的主要任务要求,明晰大数据驱动全域土地综合整治动态评估的总体框架,阐明大数据在全域土地综合整治动态评估中的应用方向,以期为推进全域土地综合整治试点工作提供参考。研究主要结论如下:(1)大数据驱动全域土地综合整治评估向“以人为本”、全面评估、动态监测评估、公众参与式评估转变;(2)支撑全域土地综合整治的大数据主要包括 10种类型,重点在于支撑全域土地综合整治前可行性评估、整治中监测评估、整治后效益评估;(3)大数据在全域土地综合整治“前—中—后”的评估应用方向分别包括耕地细碎化评估等 10 项内容、整治任务实施进展评估等 8 项内容以及用地效益评估等 10项内容。 - 关键词:
全域土地综合整治;大数据;综合评估;评估思路;应用方向; - Abstract: Comprehensive land consolidation is a national strategic plan, which more emphasizes the concept of "mountains, rivers, forests, farmland and lakes are a community of life". Based on the traditional data such as land use survey and statistical yearbook, it is difficult to realize the systematic evaluation of comprehensive land consolidation. With the advent of the era of big data, it provides new ideas for comprehensive land consolidation assessment and decision-making. Based on the development background of comprehensive land consolidation and the main characteristics of big data, this paper analyzed the path of big data driving the transformation of comprehensive land consolidation concept, sorted out the main types of big data supporting comprehensive land consolidation and the ways of big data acquisition and processing. We also clarified the main task requirements of comprehensive land consolidation driven by big data and proposed the general framework for dynamic evaluation of comprehensive land consolidation. Also, the application direction of big data in dynamic evaluation of comprehensive land consolidation is further clarified, so as to provide a reference for promoting the pilot work of comprehensive land consolidation. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) big data drives the transformation of comprehensive land consolidation assessment to "human-oriented", comprehensive assessment, dynamic monitoring assessment and public participation assessment; (2) there are 10 types of big data supporting comprehensive land consolidation, focusing on the feasibility assessment before comprehensive land consolidation, monitoring assessment during consolidation and benefit assessment after consolidation; (3) the application direction of big data in the "pre-mid-post" evaluation of comprehensive land consolidation includes 10 items (e.g., farmland fragmentation evaluation), 8 items (e.g., the implementation progress evaluation of consolidation tasks), and 10 items (land use benefit evaluation), respectively..
- Key words: comprehensive land consolidation; big data; comprehensive evaluation; evaluation thinking; application direction
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