- 基于人群行为研究的规划策略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)04-0030-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.04.005
- 项目基金:教育部人文社科基金(2 0Y J A Z H115,181Y J C Z H 0 43);江苏高校品牌专业建设工程项目(P P Z Y2 015A0 63);江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划(KYCX20_0893)。
- 作者简介:徐振,南京林业大学风景园林学院,博士、副教授、注册规划师;
- 校园坐憩空间研究 ——以南京林业大学为例
- Research on Campus Sitting Space: A Case Study of Nanjing Forestry University
- 浏览量:
- 徐振 高竹君 周珍琦 张洁芦
- XU Zhen GAO Zhujun ZHOU Zhenqi ZHANG Jielu
- 摘要:
坐憩空间是校园开放空间的重要组成部分,其空间的品质高低与活力大小影响着校园户外环境与氛围的营建。采用环境行为研究方法,对南京林业大学进行实地调研以分析校园坐憩空间环境现状及坐憩人群的行为,理解人群之于坐憩空间的需求特征,探讨坐憩空间环境与人群行为规律之间的关系。文中的研究结论有望为理解和改善校园坐憩空间提供具体知识、合理建议,所采用的分析方法亦可为对同类研究提供参考。 - 关键词:
大学校园;坐憩空间;绿视率;环境行为研究; - Abstract: Sitting space is an important part of the open space on campus. The quality and vitality of the space affect the construction of the outdoor environment and atmosphere of the campus. Using environmental behavior research methods, the researchers conducted a field survey of Nanjing Forestry University to analyze the current situation of the campus sitting space environment and the behavior of the sitting crowd, understand the characteristics of the crowd's needs for the sitting space, and explore the relationship between the sitting space environment and the behavior of the crowd relationship. The research conclusions in the article are expected to provide specific knowledge and reasonable suggestions for understanding and improving campus sitting space. The analytical methods used can also provide references for similar research.
- Key words: university campus; sitting space; visible green index; environment-behavior research
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