- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)04-0043-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.04.007
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“智能化对我国就业变化与空间发展差异的影响研究” (41971157)。
- 作者简介:李静,中山大学地理科学与规划学院硕士研究生,广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院区域规划设计所;
- 城市大事件空间影响的政治经济学解释 ——以后亚运时期广州空间拓展为例
- A Political Economic Explanation of Spatial Influence of Urban Mega Events: A Case Study of Guangzhou in the Post Asian Games Period
- 浏览量:
- 李静 郭友良 李郇
- LI Jing GUO Youliang LI Xun
- 摘要:
为探讨我国城市大事件中地方政府的土地融资行为及其空间影响,文章基于“借口”理论,构建了一个以土地为核心的城市大事件融资和空间影响的分析框架,并对广州亚运会进行案例剖析。研究发现,在我国城市竞争制度下,大事件成为城市政府打破预算内财政收入约束、获取更多融资的“借口”。一方面,大事件嵌入到城市土地融资与基础设施投资之间的互动关系中,城市政府通过出让或抵押更多经营性用地,扩大了城市的土地融资规模,加快了城市基础设施建设,并推动城市向外拓展,为将来土地出让准备了条件;另一方面,大事件也相应地扩大了城市政府的偿债规模,促使后者在更大空间范围内出让更大规模的经营性用地,形成整体分散的土地出让空间。 - 关键词:
大事件;借口;土地融资;城市空间拓展;广州; - Abstract: This study investigates the land financing of city governments and its spatial impact in urban mega events in China. Based on the “excuses” theory, this paper builds an analytical framework of urban mega event financing and spatial impact, by taking land as the central role, and takes a case study of the Asian Games in Guangzhou in 2010. It shows that, under the urban competition system in China, the urban mega event has been an “excuse” for city government to break the financial revenue constraint and obtain more financing. On the one hand, the mega event is embedded in the interactive relationship between urban land financing and infrastructure investment,through which the city government expands the scale of urban land financing, accelerates the construction of urban infrastructure, and promotes the expansion of urban area, preparing conditions for future land leasing. On the other hand, the mega event also correspondingly expands the scale of the city government’s debt repayment, prompting the latter to sell more residential and commercial lands in a larger area, helping to an overall decentralized land leasing space.
- Key words: mega event; excuses; land financing; urban area expansion; Guangzhou
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