- 产业与经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)04-0099-06
- 中图分类号:TU98 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.04.015
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“中小城市高铁新城地域空间效应与机制研究——以京沪高铁为例”(5187833 0);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(090214380024)。
- 作者简介:邱瑞祥(1995—),男,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生,研究方向:城乡治理与政策;
- 小农经济理论视角下的鲁南地区乡村治理研究 ——以山东省店子镇高崖村为例
- A Study of Rural Governance in Lunan from the Perspective of Smallholder Economy Theory: A Case Study of Gaoya Village
- 浏览量:
- 邱瑞祥 于涛
- QIU Ruixiang YU Tao
- 摘要:
乡村治理是解决“三农”问题,实现乡村振兴的重要途径,也是实现社会全面小康的关键。新时代背景下我国乡村建设与发展产生嬗变,但其主体构成仍为小农家庭,长期既存的小农经济维持了农村社会与经济的稳定,但也因其经济行为逻辑性影响村民参与乡村治理的积极性,导致了治理结构失衡、治理效能未充分发挥等乡村治理困境的产生。因此基于恰亚诺夫的小农经济理论,结合山东省店子镇高崖村的实地调研,发现解决鲁南地区乡村治理困境不仅要依靠治理制度与政策的改革,还要依托产业兴旺策略,逐步转变村民固有的小农经济思想,发挥农村经济组织的治理功能,将小农经济与乡村治理统筹考虑,探索乡村治理现代化转型的新模式。 - 关键词:
小农经济;恰亚诺夫;乡村治理;乡村振兴;鲁南; - Abstract: Rural governance is an important approach to solve the concurrent problems of agriculture, rural areas, farmers, and it is also the key to achieve a well-off society in an all-round way. In the new era, China's rural construction and development have undergone drastic transformation; however, its major structures still comprise main smallholders. The long-standing smallholder economy has secured rural social and economic stability; and the logic of economic behavior of small farmers affects the enthusiasm of villagers to participate in rural governance, resulting in the imbalances in governance structure and insufficient governance and other rural governance dilemma. Therefore, after combining a systematic analysis on Chayanov's theory of smallholder economy with the field investigations conducted in Gaoya village, Dianzi town, Shandong province, it was found that to solve the rural governance dilemma in Lunan area not only depends on the governance system and policy reforms, it also requires generating a new model for the modernization transformation of rural governance, which takes into account of the industrial prosperity strategy, the transformation of the inherent peasant economic thoughts, the political functions of rural economic organizations and the peasant economy and rural governance as a whole.
- Key words: smallholder economy; Chayanov; rural governance; rural vitalization; Lunan
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