- 乡村研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)04-0118-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.04.018
- 作者简介:丁伟丰(1995—),女,安徽安庆人,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 乡村精英与社会关系资本的构建机制研究 ——以江苏省利珠村为例
- Research on the Rural Elites and the Construction Mechanism of Social Relation Capital :A Case Study of Lizhu Village, Jiangsu Province
- 浏览量:
- 丁伟丰 顾宗倪 罗小龙 唐蜜 王绍博
- DING Weifeng GU Zongni LUO Xiaolong TANG Mi WANG Shaobo
- 摘要:
在乡村振兴政策背景下,各地涌现出大量不同模式的乡村建设实验,其中以乡村精英为主要引领和推动者,政府、企业、村民等多元主体参与下的模式是乡村振兴的新现象。文章基于乡村精英的理论视角,以江苏省利珠村为例,通过梳理乡村精英引领下的乡村振兴历程,从关系资本与团结资本的角度分析乡村振兴过程中乡村精英在乡村社会关系资本的机制构建中与不同主体间的互动关系及影响作用。研究发现利珠村的发展可大致分为在土精英崛起、回归精英推动和多元精英主体引领下的“乡村振兴共同体”3 个阶段,在此过程中通过不断拓展关系资本、凝聚团结资本,不仅加速了城乡要素的双向流通,更推动了“乡村振兴共同体”机制创建。 - 关键词:
乡村精英;关系资本;团结资本;乡村振兴;利珠村; - Abstract: In the context of rural revitalization policies, a large number of different models of rural construction experiments have emerged in various regions. Among them, rural elites are the main leaders and promoters, and the mode of participation of multiple subjects such as government, enterprises, and villagers is a new phenomenon of rural revitalization. Based on the theoretical perspective of rural elites, taking Lizhu village in Jiangsu province as an example, this article analyzes the mechanism of rural elites in rural social relationship capital in the process of rural revitalization by combing the rural revitalization process led by rural elites from the perspective of relationship capital and unity capital. The study found that the development of Lizhu village can be roughly divided into three phases: the "rural revitalization community" led by the rise of local elites, the return of elites, and the leadership of multiple elites. In this process, through continuous expansion of relationship capital and unity capital, it has accelerated the two-way circulation of urban and rural elements, and promoted the establishment of the "rural revitalization community" mechanism.
- Key words: rural elites; relational capital; united capital; rural revitalization; Lizhu village
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