- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)05-0126-07
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.05.020
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51678416);上海社科基金项目(2019BCK005)。
- 作者简介:冯艳(1979—),女,博士,注册城市规划师,华东理工大学艺术设计与传媒学院,副教授;
- 基于比较的文化遗产影响评估 (CHIAs)中国可持续应用研究
- Research on the Sustainable Application of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessments in China: A Comparative Study
- 浏览量:
- 冯艳 寇怀云
- FENG Yan KOU Huaiyun
- 摘要:
中国文物影响评估开展了近10 年,但由于中国遗产管理体系的特殊性,文物影响评估与文化遗产影响评估仍存在差异。文章总结文化遗产影响评估的特点,对已有中国文物影响评估的内容进行梳理。在此基础上,采用比较研究的方法,从评估的内涵、主体对象、主要内容等方面对两者的差异进行归纳。最后从遗产价值和人的价值可持续发展角度,提出中国文化遗产影响评估的可持续应用框架。 - 关键词:
比较研究;文物影响评估;文化遗产影响评估;可持续发展;中国应用框架; - Abstract: The Chinese Cultural Relics Impact Assessment has been carried out for nearly ten years, and a lot of practice has been carried out. However, due to the particularity of China's heritage protection system, there are still diff erences between Cultural Relics Impact Assessment and Heritage Impact Assessment. This paper summarizes the characteristics of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, combs the contents of existing Cultural Relics Impact Assessment, and summarizes its characteristics. On this basis, the diff erences between the two are summarized in terms of context, subject, object and content by means of comparative study. In view of the shortcomings of Cultural Relics Impact Assessment, the sustainable application framework of Chinese Heritage Impact Assessment is proposed from the perspective of sustainable development of heritage value and human value.
- Key words: comparative study; Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment; sustainable development; application framework in China
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