- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)05-0097-04
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.05.015
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划“城市与区域生态环境决策支持系统与一体化管理模式”(2017Y F C0505706);上海市科委科研计划项目“上海‘四化’生态网络空间区划及其系统构建关键技术研究与示范”(19DZ1203300)。
- 作者简介:张浪,教授级高工,博士生导师,上海市领军人才,享受国务院特殊津贴专家,上海市园林科学规划研究院院长,上海城市困难立地绿化工程技术研究中心主任,城市困难立地生态园林国家林业局重点实验室主任,主要从事城市生态园林规划设计与技术研究;
- 基于国土空间规划的城市生态网络体系构建研究
- Research on the Construction of Urban Ecological Network System Based on Territorial Spatial Planning
- 浏览量:
- 张浪 李晓策 刘杰 仲启铖 张桂莲
- ZHANG Lang LI Xiaoce LIU Jie ZHONG Qicheng ZHANG Guilian
- 摘要:
我国国土空间规划体系明确提出坚持生命共同体理念,构建城市生态网络。城市生态网络的建设实施将有效保护城市生态底线、融合城乡生态空间、促进城市“三生空间”复合发展,为国土空间优化提供生态引导。文章通过解析国土空间规划主要内容,阐明了城市生态网络规划多层次转型需求、规划定位与衔接关系,并从整体规划框架、多元体系构建、城乡要素统筹、分级分类划定、空间控制实施5 个方面构建城市生态网络体系。 - 关键词:
国土空间规划;城市生态网络规划;体系构建;实施机制; - Abstract: Territorial spatial planning system of China clearly proposes to adhere to the concept of life community, and construct urban ecological network. The construction of urban ecological network can eff ectively protect the bottom line of urban ecology, integrate urban and rural ecological space, promote the compound development of urban ecology, living and production space, and provide ecological guidance for territorial spatial optimization. By analyzing the main contents of territorial spatial planning, this paper clarifi es the multi-level transformation needs, planning positioning and connection relationship of urban ecological network planning, and constructs the urban ecological network system from fi ve aspects: framework of overall planning, construction of multiple systems, overall planning of urban and rural elements, classifi cation system and implementation of ecological space.
- Key words: territorial spatial planning; urban ecological network planning; system construction; implementation mechanism
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