- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)05-0083-06
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:1009-6000(2021)05-0083-06
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学青年项目“城市休闲化的演变特征即协调发展机制研究”(17YJ C630088)。
- 作者简介:马红涛(1988—),男,汉族,山东曹县人,华东师范大学工商管理学院博士研究生,研究方向为城市休闲、旅游消费;
- 乌鲁木齐市城市休闲化发展历程及影响因素研究
- A Study on the Development Process and Influencing Factors of Urban Recreationalization in Urumqi
- 浏览量:
- 马红涛 楼嘉军
- MA Hongtao LOU Jiajun
- 摘要:
城市休闲化是后工业化时代城市功能由生产向生活转型发展的一种必然态势,也是维护边疆稳定的重要手段。文章通过识别影响因素,构建包括5 个维度、33 个指标的评价体系,对乌鲁木齐1995—2017 年城市休闲化水平进行客观的剖析。研究发现:第一,乌鲁木齐城市休闲化发展过程与国内外发达城市相似,但又有一定的自身特点,外生动力驱动作用明显。第二,在城市休闲化缓慢发展阶段,休闲服务与接待子系统的贡献值最大;进入快速发展阶段,休闲生活与消费子系统的贡献值最高。第三,经济持续增长、西部开发与“一带一路”倡议、居民休闲需求释放和休闲设施不断完善是乌鲁木齐城市休闲化持续发展的综合动力。 - 关键词:
城市休闲化;评价体系;影响因素;乌鲁木齐; - Abstract: Urban recreationalization is an inevitable trend in the transformation of urban functions from production to life. This paper establishes an urban recreationalization evaluation index system including 5 subsystems and 33 specific indicators, and the 5 subsystems are named economy and industry development, traffic facility and safety, leisure reception and service, leisure space and environment and leisure consumption and life. Then this paper measured the level of urban recreationalization in Urumqi from 1995 to 2017, and analyzed its evolution mechanism, and identifi ed the infl uencing factors. The results show that: First, the development in Urumqi is basically in line with the developed cities at home and abroad, but it shows its own characteristics. Second, the contribution shares of leisure reception and service is the biggest in the period of slow development, but it changed to leisure consumption and life in the period of rapid development. Third, the main factors aff ecting the urban recreationalization of Urumqi include the sustained growth of economy, the policy support, the release of residents’ leisure needs, the continuous improvement of leisure facilities.
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