- 大运河历史文化资源认知与保护
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)07-0007-05
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.07.002
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市开放空间系统的构成与服务效能研究”(31971721)。
- 作者简介:梅耀林,江苏省规划设计集团有限公司党委副书记、总经理,大运河文化带建设研究院国家文化公园研究分院院长,研究员级高级工程师;
- 文化价值视角下的国家文化公园认知探析 ——基于大运河国家文化公园实践的思考
- Analysis on the Cognition of National Culture Park from the Perspective of Cultural Value: Reflections Based on the Practice of the Grand Canal National Culture Park
- 浏览量:
- 梅耀林 姚秀利 刘小钊
- MEI Yaolin YAO Xiuli LIU Xiaozhao
- 摘要:
国家文化公园是新时期中国探索文化资源创新性利用和创造性转化的新形式,其概念、内涵、形态、建设、管理等方面还有待深入研究和形成广泛共识,《江苏省大运河国家文化公园建设保护规划》是国内首个编制完成的此类规划,并以此为基础开展了各层次规划实践工作。文章以大运河国家文化公园建设保护实践为基础,着力从文化价值的视角对国家文化公园的基本认知进行探析,以期为国家文化公园规划编制、建设保护和运营管理提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
文化价值;国家文化公园;大运河;规划编制;江苏实践; - Abstract: National Culture Park is a new form for China to explore the creative utilization and transformation of cultural resources in the new era. Its concept, connotation, form, construction and management need to be further studied and broad consensus need to be further formed. “The Construction Planning of the Grand Canal National Culture Park (Jiangsu Section)” is the first completed plan for National Culture Park in China, based on which are lots of practical works that have been carried out on different levels. Keeping the practice of the construction and protection of the Grand Canal National Culture Park as a base, this paper tries to analyze the basic cognition of National Culture Park from the perspective of cultural value, aims to offer a reference for the planning, construction, protection and management of relevant National Culture Parks.
- Key words: cultural values; National Culture Park; Grand Canal; planning formulation; Jiangsu practice
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