- 大运河历史文化资源认知与保护
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)07-0028-10
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.07.005
- 项目基金:浙江省基础公益技术研究计划项目“大运河文化带公共空间服务绩效评价与空间优化策略研究——以大运河杭州段为例”(LGF19E080015);浙江省重点研发项目(2019C02023);国家级大学生创新训练项目“基于社交网络大数据的大运河公共空间游憩使用研究——以杭州拱墅段为例”(201910341028);国家留学基金委资助(201908330121,201908330122)。
- 作者简介:唐慧超,浙江农林大学,讲师,美国康奈尔大学访问学者;
- 基于网络评论文本分析的大运河历史文化街区使用评价研究——以杭州为例
- Research on Post Occupancy Evaluation of Grand Canal Historic and Cultural District Based on Web Review Text Analysis: A Case Study of Hangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 唐慧超 洪泉 李婧妮 赵萱 吴凡
- TANG Huichao HONG Quan LI Jingni ZHAO Xuan WU Fan
- 摘要:
基于网络点评数据,以大运河杭州段3 个历史文化街区——桥西、小河直街、大兜路历史文化街区为研究对象,通过文本分析探究街区评价与使用人群特征、评价时间的关系,以及不同街区的关注偏好与评价差异。研究发现:(1) 街区的业态、特色、历史感、消费成本是影响评价的关键因素;(2) 女性较男性更关注于环境的“文艺”氛围,且关注或参与的活动类型更为丰富,本地游客较外地游客更关注于日常活动和交通可达性;(3)3 大街区特色区分明显,桥西街区的非物质文化最为丰富;(4) 网络评论文本分析显示大运河历史文化街区的保护利用成效突出。文章建议街区管理者在未来适当调整街区业态,合理控制消费成本,引导游客对于街区文化与特色的认知,将有助于提升游客的评价;街区的改造提升应考虑不同属性游客的偏好,并充分关注原住民和周边居民的需求,同时借助“网红”效应,加强宣传和推广大运河文化。 - 关键词:
大运河;历史文化街区;大数据;文本分析;使用评价; - Abstract: Based on the network review data, taking the three historical and cultural districts of the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal-Qiaoxi, Xiaohe Street, and Dadou Road historical and cultural district as the research objects, through text analysis, it explores the relationship between neighborhood evaluation and user characteristics, evaluation time, as well as the attention preferences and evaluation differences of different districts. The study found that: 1) The business format, characteristics, sense of history, and consumption cost are the key factors that affect the evaluation. 2) Female pay more attention to the “literary and artistic” atmosphere than male, and they pay more attention to or participate in types of activities. Local tourists pay more attention to daily activities and traffic accessibility than foreign tourists. 3) The characteristics of the three districts are distinct, and the intangible culture of the Qiaoxi district is the most abundant. 4) Analysis of online commentary texts shows that the protection and utilization of the historical and cultural blocks of the Grand Canal has achieved outstanding results. It is also recommended that district managers appropriately adjust block formats in the future, reasonably control consumption costs, and guide tourists to the district culture and characteristics, which will help improve tourists’evaluation. The transformation and upgrading of blocks should consider the preferences of tourists of different attributes, and pay full attention to the needs of the aborigines and surrounding residents, and at the same time with the help of internet celebrity effects, strengthen publicity and promotion of the Grand Canal culture.
- Key words: Grand Canal; historic and cultural district; big data; text analysis; post occupancy evaluation
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