- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)07-0053-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.07.008
- 作者简介:王青,高级规划师,南京市城市规划编制研究中心副总规划师;
- 基于全要素管控的国土空间规划现状图建构研究——以南京国土空间规划基础数据建设为例
- Research on the Present Situation Map of Territorial Space Plan Based on All Management: A Case Study of the Basic Data Construction of Territorial Spatial Planning in Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 王青 朱延飞 姚隽
- WANG Qing ZHU Yanfei YAO Juan
- 摘要:
自然资源统一管理及国土空间规划编制需要全域全要素的国土空间规划现状数据作为基础。文章从国土空间编制实际需求入手,以“三调”数据为基础,分析其与国土空间规划现状图需求的差异性,构建全域全要素调查数据为支撑,国土空间管制层级为逻辑,空间资源、物质资源叠加并行为框架的用地分类体系。结合南京市国土空间规划基础数据建设实践案例,通过对“三调”数据校核细分、管理数据叠加转换,归并整合形成全域化、体系化、精细化、专业化 “四化一体”的国土空间规划现状图,服务于“两统一”职责的履行和自然资源全过程管理。 - 关键词:
全域全要素;用地分类;基数转换;国土空间规划; - Abstract: The unified management of natural resources and the compilation of territorial and spatial planning require the current data of the territorial and spatial planning of the whole region and all elements as a basis. The article starts with the actual requirements for the compilation of territorial space. Based on the "three adjustments" data, it analyzes its differences with the requirements of the status quo map of territorial and spatial planning with the whole-domain and all-element survey data as the support, the territorial space control level as logic, and the spatial resources and the land use classification system as framework. Combined with practical cases of basic data construction of land and space planning in Nanjing, through the verification and subdivision of the "three adjustments" data, the superimposition and conversion of management data, and the merger and integration to form a global, systematic, refined and specialized "four-in-one" land, the current state map of spatial planning serves the fulfillment of the "two unifications" responsibilities and the whole process management of natural resources.
- Key words: classification of full territory and total elements; land classification; base conversion; territorial spatial plan
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