- 大运河历史文化资源认知与保护
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)07-0002-05
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.07.001
- 项目基金:江苏省哲学社会科学基金重大委托项目“大运河精神与大运河文化带建设”(18WTD004)阶段性成果;京杭运河江苏省交通运输厅苏北运河航务管理处委托项目“大运河文化带建设与京杭运河苏北段航运文化建设研究”阶段性成果。
- 作者简介:王健,常州工学院教授,江苏省社科院二级研究员,研究方向为中国古代史、历史地理、大运河历史文化。
- 大运河本体的空间划分与古今运河“一轴两面”保护建设
- Spatial Classification of the Entity of the Grand Canal and the Conservation and Construction of Ancient and Modern Canals’“ One Axis, Two Sides”
- 浏览量:
- 王健
- WANG Jian
- 摘要:
大运河文化带建设和大运河国家文化公园建设的空间基础应是大运河本体。大运河本体与主轴、一轴、中轴在空间上是一致的。当前,大运河本体的保护和传承利用中存在“重列入世界遗产的大运河文化,轻作为国家重点文物的大运河文化”等现象,导致其生态修复和沿线环境建设面临很大的风险。结合大运河遗产分布等对大运河本体进行空间分类,提出大运河本体空间上古今运河的“一轴两面”,打造“美丽中轴”,不仅是对古运河进行保护和传承利用,保护历史形成的今运河及其航运功能,而且是保护和传承利用大运河文化的重要任务。 - 关键词:
大运河;本体;“美丽中轴”;“一轴两面”;航运功能; - Abstract: The basis of the construction of the Grand Cannel Culture Belt and the Grand Canal National Cultural Park should be the entity of the Grand Canal heritage in China, which is consistent with “the main axis”, “the one axis” and “the middle axis” in space. At present, there are some phenomena in the protection, inheritance and utilization of the entity of the Grand Canal, for example, the Grand Canal culture as the World Cultural Heritage is considered important, meanwhile the Grand Canal culture, the national emphasis cultural relic, is considered less important, and so on. So that it’s at risks of ecological restoration and environmental construction along the canal. The author classifies the space of the entity of the Grand Canal, identifies its “one axis, two sides” to construct the “beautiful middle axis”, so as to protect, inherit and utilize the ancient Grand Canal, and protect the modern Grand Canal and its shipping function, and protect, inherit and utilize the Grand Canal culture.
- Key words: Grand Canal; entity; “beautiful middle axis”; “one axis, two sides”; shipping function
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