- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)08-0059-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.08.009
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:关中地区大中城市居住用地适宜性分类研究(批准号:51608415);陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年):兼顾公平与效率的关中地区城市居住用地适宜性分类研究(批准号:2018JQ5096);住房和城乡建设部2016年科学技术项目计划研究开发项目:基于公共利益的西安市城市居住用地开发强度控制绩效评估研究(批准号:2016-K2-019)。
- 作者简介:王阳,男,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院副教授、硕士生导师,德国魏玛包豪斯大学(Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)博士后、青年研究员,国家注册城市规划师;
- 面向详细规划的城市居住用地细化分类思考
- Reflections on the Finer Classification of Residential Land for Detailed Planning
- 浏览量:
- 王阳 苏练练 郭开明
- WANG Yang SU Lianlian GUO Kaiming
- 摘要:
“城市用地分类标准”当前只有“二类居住用地”可在规划中使用,小类单一。城市居住用地类型繁杂,其居住用地细化分类既需体现不同人群的居住诉求,凸显历史文脉、保障性住房、居住空间分异等公共政策因素,也需适应差异化的开发控制需求,明确开发强度、细分标准、混合用地等开发控制因素。希冀通过探寻在国家标准中体现较弱,但对于详细规划至关重要的城市居住用地细化分类因素,进而从规划编制角度尝试提出细化分类建议:一类增加传统民居住宅用地,二类增加保障性住宅用地及针对一定使用人群的特定用途住宅用地,三类增加过渡型简陋住宅用地、设施欠缺住宅用地;同时,以容积率、设施、环境的具体量化指标细分普通住宅用地。 - 关键词:
城市居住用地;详细规划;细化分类;公共政策;开发控制; - Abstract: According to “Code for Classification of Urban Land Use and Planning Standards of Development Land (GB50137-2011)”, “the second-class residential land” is the only form of the urban residential land classification used in urban land use planning, which fails to reflect the urban residential diversity. Residential lands have various types in cities, on the one hand, the residential land classification should reflect the dwelling demands of different groups of people, and prominent public policy factors such as historical context, affordable housing, living space differentiation, etc. On the other hand, the residential land classification should adapt to the needs of development control, and define development control factors such as development intensity, subdivision standards, mixed-use land, etc. This study wishes to analyze the relationship between the real urban residential land distribution and the Chinese national standard situation of layout, to explore the finer classification factors which are not well embodied in national standard. And then from the perspective of planning establishment, this study makes a suggestion to the detailed residential land classification: “the first-class residential land” is to increase the land classification of traditional residential houses, “the second-class residential land” is to increase the social housing residential land classification and the land classification for special-purpose residential uses, “the thirdclass residential land” is to increase the land classification for transitional period simple houses and the facilities lack residential land classification. Meanwhile, specific quantitative indicators for FAR, facilities, surrounding have been used to subdivide ordinary residential land.
- Key words: urban residential land; detailed planning; finer classification; public policy; development control
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