- 城乡人口时空活动特征及其影响
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)08-0002-08
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.08.001
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划(2018YFB2100702)。
- 作者简介:关文川,广州大学地理科学与遥感学院,硕士研究生;
- 基于微信宜出行数据的城市人口活动时空探测及其影响因素分析
- Study on Spatial-Temporal Detection and Influencing Factors of Urban Population Activity Based on Easygo Data
- 浏览量:
- 关文川 吴志峰 吴卓 曹峥 刘星南
- GUAN Wenchuan WU Zhifeng WU Zhuo CAO Zheng LIU Xingnan
- 摘要:
探究城市人口活动变化有利于感知城市空间的使用状况,对城市规划和社会治理有着重要意义。文章基于微信宜出行热力图数据,对广州市天河区城市人口活动进行时空变化分析,并使用地理探测器工具对影响城市人口活动的因素进行探究,结果表明:(1)天河区城市人口活动呈现“南强北弱”的特征,城市人口活动主要集中分布在地铁沿线地区;(2)工作日时间天河区城市人口活动呈现显著的职住通行规律,休息日时间城市人口活动变化规律较为复杂;(3)城市服务功能是影响城市人口活动最核心的因素,其中餐饮类服务功能的影响力最高;(4)城市服务功能影响着城市人口活动的分布格局,交通服务则引导着人口活动的发展方向,两者交互作用下能够促进城市人口活动聚集。 - 关键词:
城市人口活动;地理探测器;时空分析;功能混合度;道路整合度; - Abstract: Exploring the variation of urban population activity is beneficial to the perception of the use of urban space, which is meaningful for urban planning and social governance. This paper studies urban population activity in Tianhe district of Guangzhou city in time and space aspect, exploring the influencing factors of urban population activity based on Easygo data and geodector. The result shows that: (1) The urban population activity in Tianhe district is strong in the south and weak in the north, and urban population activities are mainly concentrated in the areas along the subway; (2)In workday, the variation of urban population activity in Tianhe district presents a significant law of occupation and residence passage. However, the variation law of urban population activities during rest days is relatively complex; (3)Urban service function is the core factor that affects the variation of urban population activity, and catering service function has the highest influence; (4)Urban services functions affect the distribution pattern of urban population activity, while transportation services guide the development direction of population activity. The interaction between the two can promote urban population activity aggregation.
- Key words: urban population activity; geodector; spatial-temporal analysis; functional mixing; road conformity
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