- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)08-0045-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.08.007
- 项目基金:河北省研究生创新资助项目“保定市古城区城市意象调查研究”(CXZZSS2018052);2019年河北文化研究项目(HB19WH05);2018年河北省研究生示范课建设项目(KCJSX2018045)。
- 作者简介:高佑佳,河北农业大学城乡建设学院城乡规划学专业硕士研究生;
- 隐退与锚固:认知地图中的保定历史文化名城城市意象时空变迁研究
- Seclusion and Anchoring: A Study on the Image Change of Baoding Historic and Cultural City in Cognitive Map
- 浏览量:
- 高佑佳 贾安强 李帆 张秋宏
- GAO Youjia JIA Anqiang LI Fan ZHANG Qiuhong
- 摘要:
基于对城市意象理论的重新解读,以保定市历史文化名城为例,根据对保定市老城区认知地图的数据统计,提出了“非现时要素”在城市意象地图中的重要作用,证明了分年龄段的城市意象强度变化与城市时代变迁的耦合性,由此得出保定市老城区沿时代变迁的城市意象地图,判断恢复城市意象要素的重要性排序和恢复方式,以期为古城的保护建设提供参考及依据。 - 关键词:
城市意象;非现时要素;认知地图;时空变迁;历史文化名城; - Abstract: Taking the historical and cultural city of Baoding city as an example, based on Kevin Lynch related theory and cognitive map data statistics of the historic city, we put forward“past-time city elements”in the city image map of great value, to prove the coupling between the intensity of city image in different age groups and the change of urban times. And we draw the city image map of Baoding historical and cultural cities along with the change of times to judge the importance order and restoration method of some city image elements, so as to provide reference and basis for the protection and construction of the ancient city.
- Key words: city image; past-time elements; cognitive map; spatial-temporal change; historical and cultural cities
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