- 城乡人口时空活动特征及其影响
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)08-0024-07
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.08.004
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金一般项目“新科技革命下我国创新城市的驱动机制与路径策略研究”(19BJY067)。
- 作者简介:周俊帆(1996—),浙江工业大学城市规划系硕士研究生;
- 上海人口城镇化发展新态势及其社会空间特征研究
- Research on the New Trend of Population Urbanization in Shanghai and Its Social Spatial Characteristics
- 浏览量:
- 周俊帆 武前波
- ZHOU Junfan WU Qianbo
- 摘要:
采用最新各类上海人口统计数据,对上海人口城镇化及社会空间特征进行分析。首先,在宏观市辖区层面,2000—2010 年中心城区人口数量增减不大、郊区人口快速上升,2010 年后上海市全域人口变动较小。其次,从中观街道层面来看,中圈层的街道数量快速上升、人口空间梯度变缓。与郊区新城相比,中心城区仍是人口密度高值聚集区,市域人口仍呈现单中心圈层扩散。再次,通过近期上海社会空间结构特征演变对比,发现中心城区人口变动多为户籍人口,外来人口是郊区人口增长的重要组成部分。最后提出上海人口空间变动的影响机制以及策略建议。 - 关键词:
人口城镇化;社会空间;影响机制;上海市; - Abstract: The authors analyze the urbanization and social spatial characteristics of Shanghai population by using various kinds of recent Shanghai population statistics. First, at the macro level of municipal districts, the population in the central urban area increased little from 2000 to 2010 and the population in the suburbs increased rapidly, while the population in the whole area of Shanghai changed little after 2010. Secondly, from the perspective of the recent street level, the number of streets in the middle circle is rising rapidly and the gradient of population space becomes slow. Compared with the suburban new city, the central city is still a gathering area with high population density, and the population in the urban area is still spreading in a single central circle. Thirdly, through the comparison of the recent evolution of social spatial structure characteristics in Shanghai, it is found that the population changes in central urban areas are mostly registered population, and the migrant population is an important part of the suburban population growth. Finally, based on the above research, the authors put forward the dynamic mechanism and suggestions.
- Key words: urbanization of population; social spatial structure; influencing mechanism; Shanghai
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