- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)08-0066-07
- 中图分类号:K921 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.08.010
- 项目基金:2020年度广州市哲学社科规划课题“广州市村级工业园改造的路径选择与效能提升研究”(2020GZYB03)。
- 作者简介:王韬,男,汉族,华中农业大学,博士研究生,主要研究方向为城市更新与治理;
- 场景理论视角下的广州市工业用地更新研究 ——以文化创意产业园为例
- Research on the Renewal of Industrial Land in Guangzhou from the Perspective of Scene Theory: A Case Study of Cultural and Creative Industrial Parks
- 浏览量:
- 王韬 朱一中 张倩茹
- WANG Tao ZHU Yizhong ZHANG Qianru
- 摘要:
我国已进入了存量规划时代,研究文化创意导向的工业用地更新不仅有利于合理配置土地资源,对产业结构调整也具有重要意义。文章以广州市旧工厂改造而来的文化创意产业园为研究对象,引入场景理论,综合运用核密度分析、不平衡指数和多分类Logistic模型等方法,探究广州市工业用地更新空间特征与影响因素。结果表明,工业发展起源较早的区域工业遗产丰富,导致旧工厂文创园空间分布格局不均匀,呈现明显的集聚特征;回归结果显示除了地理位置、市场和运营成本等传统区位理论所强调的外部环境因素,人才、文化活动、文化价值观等内部场景特征的差异化也对工业用地更新产生显著影响,揭示了场景特征对产业发展和用地转型的内在动力机制。 - 关键词:
工业用地更新;场景理论;文化创意产业;广州市;工业遗产; - Abstract: The study of cultural and creative oriented industrial land renewal is not only conducive to the rational allocation of land resources, but also help to the adjustment of industrial structure under the background of inventory planning. This paper introduces the scene theory and takes the cultural and creative industrial park transformed from the old factory in Guangzhou as the research object. By using the nuclear density analysis, imbalance index and multi classification logistic model, this paper explores the spatial characteristics and influencing factors of industrial land renewal in Guangzhou. The results show that the spatial distribution pattern of cultural and creative parks in Guangzhou is unbalanced and present obvious agglomeration characteristics owing to the difference of industrial development basis in each region. At the same time, the regression results indicate that apart from the external environmental factors emphasized by traditional location theories such as geographical location, market and operation cost, the internal scene features such as talents, cultural activities and cultural values also have significant impact on the industrial land renewal which reveals the internal dynamic mechanism of industrial development and land transformation.
- Key words: industrial land renewal; scene theory; cultural and creative industry; Guangzhou; industrial heritage
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